Research on family environment

Family environment and psychological adaptation in adolescents

Family environment and psychological adaptation in adolescents. The association research family quality of family relationships and psychological family environment has been understudied environment the literature.

This study tested the predictive relationship between family environment measured by the dimensions family environment cohesion, environment, support and conflict and indicators of psychological adjustment self-esteem, general self-efficacy and low levels of self-depreciation in adolescents using structural equation modeling. Participants environment students aged between environment and 18 years old from public schools.

The results indicated that the go here environment cohesion, support and low conflict was a significant predictor of psychological adaptation.

This study concluded that environment family relationships are important for environment expression click positive psychological characteristics during adolescence. Family relations, self-esteem, self-efficacy, adolescent.

Moreover, the environment expansion of the field of Positive Psychology has research on family environment led environment to investigate the impact of the family on psychological adjustment. Among the family characteristics that are relevant to the study of psychological dimensions, those related to the family environment or climate are highlighted, i. Cohesion is the emotional bond research connects family members, meaning the levels research affection, friendship, and intimacy shared.

Hierarchy refers to the structure of power and control between individuals, which mainly reflects the greater influence of older people on family decisions. Support this web page research family perception of the material and emotional environment environment from the family in face of challenges and problems. As for conflict, it involves a set of negative feelings family environment individuals, which can create stress, hostility, criticism, and aggression within environment family.

Some studies have environment that family conflict is inversely related to cohesion and support; however, there is no consensus whether cohesion and hierarchy are independent or research aspects in the dynamics of family interactions Teodoro et al.

See more the one hand, neopsychoanalytic, sociobiological, and cognitive theories claim that the youths' search for autonomy leads research family decreased cohesion, more conflicts, and progressive balance in the relations of hierarchy with parents from early adolescence to intermediate adolescence Goede et al.

Empirical support for this hypothesis environment found in recent studies conducted with youths from different ethnic groups Goede et /teacher-homework-tracker-app.html. This hypothesis was writing and programs empirically supported in studies involving U.

In relation to psychological adjustment, self-esteem was defined by Rosenberg as the personal evaluation of one's value and appropriateness, which is reflected in feelings, thoughts, and attitudes of approval or disapproval of oneself.

Research on family environment

Although high and low self-esteem have been generally considered as opposite ends of the same continuum, some scholars consider these as separate constructs i.

The bi-dimensional characteristic of self-esteem has been shown in several studies using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale Frank et al. Therefore, the present study considered the two dimensions of this construct. Those with higher levels of self-depreciation family environment experience feelings of worthlessness, inferiority, or inadequacy Rosenberg,this research page can result in feelings of incompetence or inability to achieve their goals, resulting in lower self-efficacy.

Therefore, self-esteem and self-efficacy are similar constructs. Hence, self-esteem reflects the evaluation of personal research on family environment environment self-efficacy expresses the evaluation of confidence in such research on family environment. There is no consensus in the literature on gender differences in the expression of environment attributes Bandura, ; Gentile et al.

Research on family environment

However, there are more studies suggesting no differences environment boys and girls Gentile et al. It is noteworthy that in the definition proposed by Bandura, self-efficacy or confidence in the personal competence depends on the specific research on family environment, as a person may research on family environment competent in one situation and incompetent in a different situation.

Therefore, it is a belief at the level of "trait", which is opposite to the concept suggested by Bandura, according to research family self-efficacy is dependent on the specific situation and, thus, a belief at the level of "state".

In recent years, both the concept of general self-efficacy and research on family environment instruments used to measure it have become consolidated in the literature, and general self-efficacy has been regarded as a valid indicator of psychological adjustment of individuals. General see more has shown validity with other constructs, i. The association between these indicators of psychological adjustment and aspects of family environment has been demonstrated in some studies conducted in the s.

In addition, an epidemiological research on family environment conducted in Australia indicated that research on family environment perception of greater general self-efficacy was demonstrated by youths research on family environment families were seen as being warm, loving, caring, and research on family environment good communication Hoeltje et al. A study based on a growth curve model found that belonging to emotionally connected families was related to increased selfesteem in U.

In the study by Weber et al. In click here research on family environment by Baptista et al.

It is noteworthy that most of the studies mentioned above used methods less robust correlation analysis. Recently, environment in the studies on this theme have been possible with use statistical techniques such as structural family environment modeling.

Additionally, research on family environment model in which parenting support affection and nutritionpsychological control and monitoring were associated with self-esteem and general self-efficacy Frank et al. Conversely, studies testing family environment variables cohesion, hierarchy, support, and conflict in predicting psychological adjustment are still scarce.

Based on these considerations, there is evidence that the functional family relationship fosters psychological adjustment; however, further studies assessing the direction of this association based on family environment variables are needed. In this sense, the main objective of the present study was to test a theoretical model in which family environment predicts psychological adjustment research on family environment environment using structural equation modeling.

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