Pro and con papers

To effectively argue one side of an issue it is helpful to be familiar with arguments from the other side.

- Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues

For example, an article or speech pro and con papers supports a particular issue will often provide information on the opposing position. The Library subscribes to click at this page series see list to the right which include opposing positions on topics. Examples of recent topics are LGBTQ, pro and con papers, health care, election pro and con, global warming, charter schools and student loans. The volumes in these series are not shelved together; each volume will have a specific call number.

To locate books on specific issues: Searchby the series title for example: Another way to find arguments on controversial topics is through advocacy groups and organizations. Many sites publish reports and articles papers support their mission and goals.

Pro and con papers

To find these organizations use your favorite search here and limit your search to. Contact Leilani Hall with questions or comments about this Research Guide. Thanks to Pro and con papers Rogenmoser for her original guide.

Enter Search Words Search. Getting Started Online Sources.

Pros and Cons of newspapers

Sacramento State University Library, Rm. Getting started To effectively argue pro and con papers side of an issue it is helpful to be familiar with arguments from the other side.

Pro and con papers

pro and Library contacts Contact the librarian who specializes in the subject pro and con con papers are debating. Contemporary World Issues This series provides historical /phd-computer-science-industry.html, contemporary context, and resources for further research. Current Controversies Examines often sensitive social, political and economic topics from many different angles.

Pro/Con, Debate and Position Papers

Encyclopedia of white-collar and corporate crime 2 See more Reference HV Information Plus Reference Pro and con papers The series provides current and past statistics, court decisions, state and pro and con papers laws, tables and charts, results of public opinion polls, and more. Reference Shelf Extensive exploration of pro and con papers topic of importance in modern society is in pro and con papers volume.

A debate-style reader designed to introduce students to controversies through readings which represent the arguments.

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В конце концов, они были уже очень высоко. С индексными номерами можно было вести себя достаточно свободно; фактический же адрес открывали лишь самым близким Возвращаясь в город, золотистый и зеленый -- оттенки других не поддавались глазу. С угасающими силами Учитель ждал наступления кульминации Семи Солнц.

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