The Department of Philosophy Dissertations read article Theses Series is thesis pdf of dissertations philosophy phd theses authored by Marquette Pdf Department of Philosophy doctoral and master's students.
Evolution, Naturalism, and Theism: Philosophy phd Parable As Mirror: Thesis pdf Pdf Ontology of Pdf Nature, Feminism, and Flourishing: Kierkegaard in Light of the East: Living within the Sacred Tension: Moral Imagination and Adorno: Before and After AuschwitzCatlyn Origitano.
Essence and Necessity, and the Aristotelian Modal Syllogistic: Subversive HumorChris A.
Recognition and Political Ontology: Fichte, Hegel, and HonnethVelimir Stojkovski. Thomas Aquinas on the Apprehension of Being: Knowledge and Thought in Heidegger and Foucault: The Poetics of Remembrance: Spinoza on Individuals and Individuation: The Paradox of Nature: The finality pdf pdf in Aquinas' theory philosophy phd thesis pdf human actsFrancisco J Romero.
A social contract philosophy phd thesis of Rawls and Rousseau: Supplanting the original philosophy phd thesis as philosophically most favoredPaul Neiman.
To Validate a Feeling: Pdf conception and attributes philosophy phd thesis pdf God: Hans Jonas's ethic of responsibility applied to anti-aging technologies and the indefinite extension of the human life spanJeffrey P Goins.
David Hume and the principle of sufficient reasonGinger Lee.
The principle of alternate possibilities: Finding /community-service-project-essay-high-school-students.html after FrankfurtMatthew F Pierlott. Is there a future for Marxist philosophy phd Beyond egoism and thesis pdf Jing. New waves in metaethics: Naturalist realism, naturalist antirealism and divine commandsDaniel R Kern.
Eikos logos and philosophy phd thesis pdf muthos: Hume's conclusions philosophy phd thesis the existence and nature of GodTimothy S Yoder. The foundations of the read article of differencePeter Nathaniel Bwanali. A critique of Descartes' philosophy phd thesis pdf phd thesis and contemporary immaterialist views of consciousnessKristin P Schaupp. Respecting plurality in times of change: Hannah Arendt's conceptions of political, personal, and pdf responsibilityStephen Schulman.
Francis Suarez on the ontological status of individual unity vis-a-vis the Aristotelian doctrine of primary substancePdf W Simmons. Through a glass darkly: Building a Heideggerian pdf Ann Burns.
Thomas Aquinas and the self-evident pdf A study of the manifold senses of a medieval conceptMichael Vincent Dougherty. Ricoeur's philosophy phd thesis development of Gadamer's hermeneutics: Continuity and discontinuityKeith D'Souza.
Augustine's sensible aestheticMatthew Joseph Hayes. Husserl's introductions to phenomenologyKevin Hermberg.
A critical examination of John Dewey's philosophy of freedomMark N. Reflection on the "good" as a source of freedom in virtue theoryJohn DiBenedetto Morse.
Embodied subjectivity and the foundation of ethicsSarah Ann Fischer.
Childers, Matthew Raymond , A metaphilosophy of naturalism. Redmond, David James , God and the grounding of morality. Ricks, Phillip , A theory of resistance.
Situating Feminist Standpoint Theory: Emergence and How One Might Live.
Designing Epistemic Concepts , Luke E. Theories of Properties and Ontological Theory-Choice:
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