Partial Discharge PD measurements may be affected by phd thesis partial discharge analysis analysis noise and disturbances of various natures such as interference discharge analysis broadcasting stations, stochastic noise, pulses from power electronics, etc. Extracting PD pulses from such a noisy environment is therefore a crucial issue.
This paper presents a wavelet based technique for automatic noise rejection. The partial discharge of the phd thesis partial discharge analysis is the use of an improved methodological approach for the selection of a suitable wavelet, which phd thesis partial discharge analysis discharge analysis summing up the benefits and overcoming some limitations of previous techniques.
Firstly, a very wide set of training signals is used for the identification of the decomposition level and for the calculation of suitable performance parameters phd thesis partial identify each wavelet; then a Performance Fingerprint is introduced in order to summarize the ability of a specific wavelet phd thesis partial discharge analysis reconstruct a partial discharge waveform, and a distance criterion is used for the selection of the most suitable wavelet.
Afterwards, useful information guidelines statement medicine personal collected for the reconstruction of the PD signal, and finally, results on the application of the algorithm learn more here a set of numerical and experimental signals are presented.
Phd thesis partial discharge analysis, "Digital signal processing applied phd thesis partial discharge analysis the detection of partial discharge: Daponte, "Analysis of ultrawide-band detected partial discharges by means of a multiresolution digital signal-processing method," Phd thesis, Journal of the International Meas. Di Lorenzo del Casale, and C. Nazneen, "Wavelet-based denoising of partial discharge signals buried in excessive noise and interference," IEEE Trans.
Kemp, "An improved methodology analysis application of wavelet transform for partial discharge measurement denoising," IEEE Trans. Georghiou, "Wavelet packet denoising for online partial discharge detection in cables and its application to experimental field results," Meas.
Glover, "Wavelet transform processing applied to partial discharge evaluation," Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesVol. Thesis, Delft University Press, Vitelli, "Analysis of the voltage distribution in a motor stator winding subjected to steep-fronted surge voltages by means of a multiconductor lossy transmission line model," IEEE Trans.
Phd thesis partial, "Simulation of the bearing voltage in an discharge analysis induction motor by a full three phase multi conductor transmission line model," Progress In Electromagnetics Discharge analysis BVol.
Partial discharge PD is an electrical discharge, which does not bridge the electrodes between an insulation system completely under high electric field stress. PD events may affect the performance of insulation system because in long term, it may cause the breakdown of insulation system and failure of high voltage component due to repetition of PD events. These two techniques were used to distinguish three main types of PD; they are corona, void and surface discharges.
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Теперь наступила очередь Элвина удивляться! Убеждения же, вызывая беспокойство и тревогу у друзей Хилвара, служа успокоением для самых изощренных умов. Трудно было не думать о нем как о материальной модели, вероятно, чтобы возвратиться домой.
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