Agile methodologies have been in use for more than ten years and during this time they proved to be efficient, even though number phd thesis on agile techniques of empirical research is scarce, especially regarding agile software development performance monitoring.
The most popular agile framework Scrum is using only one measure of performance: In time the need for additional measures was acknowledged.
According to [Sch05], the agile techniques lack the metrics regarding the finishing project date and better measurement of value in comparison with costs [Yap06]. The purpose of Doctoral Dissertation was to develop the model for agile software development performance monitoring in compliance with agility principles. Theoretical research was performed to summarize research and practitioners literature agile techniques the areas of software development, project management, agile software development and Scrum framework.
In the area of software development the phd thesis standards have been analyzed: In the area of project management the following standards have been analyzed: In the area of agile software development a definition of agile software development has been presented, followed by comparison agile techniques agile and waterfall methodologies, the Scrum framework presentation and the Scrum role description.
Further theoretical research has been performed regarding performance monitoring in the areas of agile methods and their maturity, metrics definition, progress reporting me all well quotes performance monitoring /service-write-research-papers-canada-jobs.html. The results of this research confirmed the lack of agile software development performance monitoring model that would systematically enable agile project monitoring while using traditional metrics, such as earned value and agile metrics, phd thesis on agile techniques of as Velocity, while providing simple and transparent reporting and complying with agile principles for collecting and presenting data.
Due agile techniques its process orientation the concept of Essay on why gay marriage should be legal Process Performance Measurement System [Kue00] agile techniques been selected for the framework for the model development process.
The PPMS defines process phd thesis on agile techniques of as a degree of stakeholder satisfaction of all stakeholders and process improvement.
Working versions of the model have been used in the academic environment since year in a capstone course on agile software development using Scrum. The AGIT model has been used in the industrial phd thesis on agile techniques of for the first time in year Lessons learned have been included in the current version phd thesis on agile techniques of the model as described in the Doctoral Dissertation.
The key science contribution of the Doctoral Dissertation is development of comprehensive AGIT model for agile software development performance monitoring.
The research contributions of the AGIT phd thesis on agile techniques of are: Firstly the agile techniques development process using Here framework has been described. Then the phd thesis have been determined: For each stakeholder the goals were defined and for each of the goals key performance indicators have been determined.
After that agile techniques detailed description of key performance indicators have been presented followed by agile techniques and limit values for each key performance indicator.
Then the data gathering procedures were defined agile techniques phd thesis with agile principles and the data model was presented. In the end the reporting was introduced.
The feasibility of the AGIT model was tested using phd thesis on agile techniques of case study. The basic information about the company and the project studied is presented as well as the subset of the AGIT model key performance indicators used for phd thesis on agile techniques of and their graphical presentations: The case study is presented from the time, organizational and quality aspect.
Release and Sprint flow are presented followed by the project results. Then the measurement results are presented click the following article the Release level and Sprint level, followed by the results of accuracy analysis of User Story points estimation. The results of case study confirmed that the AGIT model is compliant with the agile principles regarding data collection and data reporting.
In the conclusion of Doctoral Dissertation the suggestions for further research are given, based on the results of the case study. More information and software credits. Name and Surname ID Function izr.
Llamas Zogbi, Valentina Maria. Towards an agile methodology for industrial problem solving.
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