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Australia emerged as the top destination for millionaires to migrate inaccording to an analysis by New World Wealth.

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According to the report, number millionaires australia the third straight year Australia number millionaires australia the top country worldwide for millionaire inflows, beating traditional destinations such as the U. As a result, the average Australian is now significantly wealthier than the average US citizen, which was not the case 10 years ago.

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Signout Register Sign in. Previous Next Show Grid. Previous Number millionaires australia Hide Grid. An analysis by New World Wealth found that Australia is an increasingly popular destination for high net worth migrants. number millionaires australia

Australia now has 1.16m millionaires, according to Credit Suisse's Global Wealth Report

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Australia remains preferred destination for millionaire migrants

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Despite talk of a looming housing market crash, the relative strength of the local economy, a rising sharemarket and a growing propensity to invest overseas and in technology ventures will mean the nation's richest people will get even wealthier during the next five years. So claims Credit Suisse, which has as fast-growing private bank in Australia. It looks after tens of billions of dollars on behalf of an expanding group of wealthy individuals and families.

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