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The hash function is master thesis in chaotic cryptography important branch of cryptography, it is a one-way function, a class of encryption mapping, you can use it master thesis protect information.
Therefore, this thesis, the text-based hash function. In recent years, a hash function construction based on chaotic mapping master thesis in chaotic cryptography been extensively studied, especially Chaos has characteristics making it very suitable for master thesis in chaotic cryptography construction of a hash function, this thesis, so security is guaranteed under the conditions, and how The use of chaotic maps to construct a hash function, and its performance analysis.
The main work of this paper includes /essay-writing-website-video.html following sections: Firstly chaotic cryptography research background of the text of the hash function, the chaos several different definitions and movement characteristics.
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Finally, a detailed analysis master thesis in chaotic cryptography several common discrete chaotic system. Starting simple introduction to encrypt and decrypt the symmetric key encryption, public-key cryptography, cryptanalysis and other master thesis in chaotic cryptography of cryptography.
Then given Chaos and cryptography. Finally, from the definition and classification of the hash function, design methods, design theory and evaluation chaotic cryptography detailed description of the article source function.
The algorithm will be converted into plaintext packet and the corresponding ASCII code value, then the value as the number of iterations of the Logistic map, iterate iteration value generated as the initial value skew tent master thesis, and then from the generated value based on certain rules.
The length master thesis in chaotic cryptography extraction of a bit hash value. Through simulation carried out analysis of the master thesis in chaotic cryptography, confusion and diffusion, collision performance of the algorithm.
The theoretical analysis and master thesis in chaotic cryptography results show that the algorithm can satisfy the performance requirements of the hash function. Finally, a summary of this paper, and pointed out the inadequacies of the thesis work, as well as the prospect of the future prospects for the study of the hash function.
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