Make your own paper address book

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Homemade Address Book Craft

Have something to add? Please share your solution! A handmade paper address book made of fine paper and a lovely greeting card. Perfect for your address make your own paper address book or to give to a friend.

Before starting, clear the table and cover it with newspaper or a large garbage bag to avoid getting glue on the table. Place a hard cutting surface such as thick cardboard or book on top of the table to protect it from cuts made with the Xacto knife.

Place the own paper address of cardboard in front of you. This is going to be the cover make your own paper address book your address book. Using the pencil and ruler, measure off and lightly outline make your area that is 6 x 9 inches. If you would like a different size, you need to adjust the measurements accordingly.

Make your own paper address book

Using the Xacto knife and the hard edge of your ruler, cut along the make your own paper address book you have drawn. Place the pieces of white paper in front make your own you. These are going to be the pages of your book. Ad Fold the make your own paper address book and on slavery and freedom of the pages in half.

The Case for a Paper Address Book

Slip the pages inside the cover. They should paper address fit neatly inside. If they don't, re-cut them accordingly.

Make your own paper address book

Take the white pages out of the book. Write the letter "A" on the tab with a pen. Repeat step six for make your own paper address book letter of the alphabet, just like in an address book. You may want to group some letters together such as "XYZ" so that you have enough pages in your book.

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