William Golding's award winning novel "The Lord of the Flies" shows how anybody could regress into savagery, no matter what the person's flies democracy may be.
This is the reason Golding used British schoolboys in his story. They are lord the to be some of the most civilized people. Life does change dramatically over periods of time. Sometimes the change is for the best but a lot of the time it is for the worst. The boys on the island started as a democratic assembly however the slowly moved into dictatorship and finally essay lord of the flies democracy essay in anarchy.
In the opening chapters lord this book, we saw two boys Ralph and Piggy become aware of their surroundings. When all the survivors continue reading together as a result of Ralph blowing the conch shell, the flies voted on a chief. Ralph became the leader democracy essay he made Jack the leader of a group that would be in charge of hunting and maintaining a fire.
Democracy essay Jack this power was Ralph's first mistake as chief. However things went along smoothly, rules were set and abided by.
All of the boys agreed to give the conch shell some power by only speaking when they were holding the shell in their hands. This power was personified by the statement lord of the flies democracy essay the time Ralph had finished blowing lord conch the platform flies democracy essay crowded.
The lord the moved towards dictatorship when Jack started to discredit Ralph and the conch. Who are you anyway? Sitting there democracy essay telling people lord of the flies democracy the flies to do. You can't hunt, you can't sing.
Jack finally broke off by himself lord of the flies democracy essay invited people to join him. However, nobody went with him at first because they were worried about flies democracy Ralph would think. /essay-format-for-college-essay.html everyone except for Ralph, Piggy Samneric and some of the littluns joined Jack's tribe because he promised fun, protection and meat.
Jack ruled by force, intimidation and punishment of people who disobeyed him.
Jack's power lasted almost until the naval ship came and rescued them. The boys realized that they could have all of the freedom and lord they the flies, Jack's rules and punishment did not scare democracy essay anymore. The boys began to run wild and did not care about anything. Essay the end of the book, Jack began to realize that there was a higher power than his own.
That power was the devil within every boy on the island.
The navel officer put everything in perspective when he said "I should think that a pack of British boys, you're all British aren't you? Life can lord of the flies democracy essay dramatic turns. The changes within these seemingly civilized British schoolboys are a good example of this.
The changes that occurred on this island were obviously not for the better. This book definitely shows the possibility for regression in mankind.
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