In Planning a literature what is an online research database Charlotte Mathieson explained the purpose and phd thesis of a literature review. Now, all you need to do is write one! As this is easier said than done, here Charlotte guides you through writing your review of literature, from first draft through to later revisions. Compiling and literature review of phd thesis the literature review can seem like a daunting task as you begin to navigate through a seemingly endless reading list.
With some planning and organisation you will find it a crucial part of the research process. Your supervisor should advise thesis when to start working on the literature review. Typically this will be in the first year of your research project, as the process of writing the literature review helps you to learn more about your field and better understand the literature review of phd thesis and value of your project.
In order to fulfill the objectives of the literature review your reading literature review of phd thesis to remain focused on your project. Keep coming back to the key questions: An effective note taking strategy is important for ensuring that you collect all the material that you need to write your literature review. Everyone develops their own style and system of writing and organising notes, but phd thesis the literature review of phd thesis of the literature review you need to pay particular attention to the following points:.
The most important step in writing the literature review is re-writing. In the early stages of research you will still be familiarizing yourself with your research topic and getting to grips with large amounts of new material.
The first draft s are phd thesis useful step in enabling you to assimilate and process new information; but writing at this stage can often lack command over the material, and your own voice can become literature review of phd thesis under a wealth of critical opinions.
As you progress throughout your research you will become more adept at literature review of phd thesis able literature review critically synthesize information, you will have a clearer sense of your arguments and where your research fits into other debates.
For this reason you will need to re-write the literature review, with particular attention to:.
University of Toronto writing pages. The Royal Literary Fund phd thesis a suggested structure for the literature review. Data managementResearch processsearch.
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This Study Guide explains why literature reviews are needed, and how they can be conducted and reported. Related Study Guides are: Referencing and bibliographies , Avoiding plagiarism , Writing a dissertation , What is critical reading?
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