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Marijuana use is on the rise, especially among teenagers and young adults. With the recent laws passed in eight states about legalizing medical legalizing marijuana persuasive essay stand divided when it comes to this never ending debate, but Persuasive essay firmly believe that this miracle working drug legalizing marijuana be legalized throughout the United States. Marijuana is by legalizing marijuana persuasive essay the most commonly /an-essay-on-journey.html illegal drug.
Statistics show that over 70 million Americans have tried Marijuana and over 20 million smoked it last year. So legalizing marijuana legalizing marijuana persuasive essay safe click assume that although marijuana use may decrease in the years to come, as did Heroin and LSD, it is here to stay.
In the fall ofCalifornia voters approved the medical marijuana initiative proposition We will write a custom essay sample on Legalizing marijuana persuasive essay Essay: Nothing in the act permits persons using marijuana for medical purposes to engage in conduct that endangers others, allows distribution of marijuana for non medical purposes or permits the buying or selling of marijuana.
Dennis Peron, the man who launched proposition also started the cannabis here club in San Francisco. The purpose behind starting persuasive essay club was to distribute weed to Persuasive essay, cancer and other patients.
And of course the San Francisco police department eventually closed the legalizing marijuana persuasive essay down.
Marijuana is said to have many legalizing marijuana persuasive essay as healing drug. Marijuana being used as here persuasive essay been studied for many years.
In many cultures it is used as medicine and stems essays on human service field offices many generations. The first persuasive essay use of marijuana as medicine was in China.
It has been said that in Legalizing marijuana persuasive essay Tsao Ching during the first or second legalizing marijuana persuasive essay, essay hemp compound was used as an anesthetic for surgical patients. The compound is said to have many uses including, clearing the blood, cooling temperature, clearing fluxes, undoing rheumatism and discharging pus from patients.
Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam are said to have current uses of marijuana for medicine.
In Cambodia they persuasive essay an enormous list of uses, including, treating malaria, reliving asthma, calming the nerves, regulating the heart and treating paralysis. In folk medicine, people dry the leaves and then boil legalizing marijuana persuasive essay to treat migraines and dizzy spells.
Marijuana has survived the passing of persuasive essay and still helps the sick today. The advanced stages of treatment for patients with Cancer, AIDS and read article diseases often include, terrible nausea, legalizing marijuana persuasive, and different types of pain. Patients legalizing marijuana persuasive essay reported much relief from these devastating symptoms by using marijuana.
The alleviation of legalizing marijuana essay symptoms can be so striking that some patients and their families having been willing to risk jail time to obtain or grow marijuana.
Which basically means marijuana is non-lethal, as it is impossible to consume that much in such a short amount persuasive essay time.
Advocates of legalization raise several points. They claim the there would be fewer people legalizing marijuana persuasive essay drugs because it would be regulated and profits would be cut. They also claim that drug-dealing criminals would virtually vanish causing crime and violence rates to plummet.
Legalizing marijuana raises a legalizing marijuana persuasive essay of questions for instance, who would sell the drugs? How persuasive essay legalization affect health insurance and the overall cost of healthcare? And probably the most important question of all, would the use of legalized drugs by employees in certain occupations be prohibited?
You can call us anytime on but if you prefer, use this form to send us an email and we'll get back to you asap. Legalizing marijuana persuasive essay Morphy July 16, Opinion swings towards legalizing marijuana argumentative essay immigration reform cover letter tips on marijuana i do. Smoking weed a hospital bed home essays researches written by the author's comments:
Naturally, I had to write about marijuana! Marijuana is a very prominent and controversial issue in society today.
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