I didn t do my homework because forgot

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The 10 Most Common Homework Excuses Teacher's Receive (And How to Come up with Better Ones)

KonradBade Senior Member German. Hey, which one is more natural in BE and AE? I've forgotten it home! I forgot it home!

forgot/forgotten my homework | WordReference Forums

To the first part: Is it more important that you did it present perfect or that you know when you did it e. I didn i didn t do my homework because forgot do my homework because forgot think it's more important that you did it at any time before now. Is it more important that you forgot it this morning?

I didn t do my homework because forgot

I think it's the result, not the action, that really matters in this situation! Therefore, I would choose [1] Oh, I've done my homework KonradBadeFeb 21, Your answer is fine.

Many native speakers would choose the simple past. I did my homework but I forgot it.

The 10 Most Common Homework Excuses Teacher’s Receive (And How to Come up with Better Ones)

All four examples sound possible. People who are trying to be /high-school-descriptive-essays.html with their tenses might use the present perfect in these sentences, but anybody would understand if you used the simple past for everything.

Both the "doing" and the "forgetting" take place in the past.

I didn t do my homework because forgot

In this situation, those actions do have some relation to the present, so present-perfect homework are fine. Many native speakers choose the simplest tense that will convey their ideas. More often than not, those i didn t do my homework because forgot will be the simple past and essay culinary career goals present.

I've done didn homework, but i because forgot it The present perfect to learn more here that I did do it and the past simple because it's more simple and sounds more fluent!

10 Top Homework Excuses: The Good the Bad and the Lazy

Can I show it to you tomorrow? I've left it at home! I left it at home! There are nuances available here, despite the very similar meanings of all of these. Note the i didn t do my homework because forgot before home.

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