How to write cover letter for submission of a paper

How to Write a Cover Letter for Manuscript Submissions

September 29, Category: After the hard work of perfecting your manuscript and selecting a how write journal, one more task remains before submission: The cover letter is an important document /presentation-on-custom-house-agent.html must help for parents vocabulary more than tell how to write cover letter for submission of a paper editor that you are submitting your manuscript for how to write cover letter for submission of a paper. Strong cover letters not only introduce your manuscript — cover letter for offer an important opportunity to convince journal editors to consider your manuscript for publication.

In addition to any information and statements required by your target journal, every cover letter should contain the following how write. Write one or more sentences to address each of these points. You will revise and polish these sentences cover letter complete your cover letter. Open your cover letter with a sentence or two for submission why you are writing, the title of your manuscript, and the title of the journal. Briefly state the background for the problem or question your research answers.

Submission Process

The focus of the paragraph is to explain why your research was needed and clearly state the question your research answers. Clearly and concisely explain your results, findings, and conclusions. To keep your cover letter concise, limit this explanation to one or two brief paragraphs.

How to write cover letter for submission of a paper

It may be helpful to review your abstract to paper focused on your submission important results and conclusions. Your goal is to show the editor how your manuscript meets these criteria. Such manuscripts will be highly referenced, which will increase the impact factor of the journal.

How to write cover letter for submission of a paper

Without exaggerating, explain the novelty, relevance, and submission of your findings to researchers who read that journal. After cover letter for your research and findings, include a paragraph with any journal-required statements. If the findings in the manuscript have been presented at a how to write cover letter for submission of a paper how write, include that information in this paragraph. This paragraph should also include statements about exclusivity and author approval for submission.

Cover letters follow the same simple format as paper letters.

How to write cover letter for submission of a paper

Make sure your cover letter includes the following basic letter elements:.

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As such, this guide aims to explain 1 why you should care about writing a powerful cover letter, 2 what you should include in it, and 3 how you should structure it. Sadly, we must admit that part of the decision-making process of whether to accept a manuscript is based on a business model. Editors must select articles that will interest their readers.

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This content belongs to the Journal Submission Stage. The journal submission stage can be challenging. You have successfully subscribed to Journal Submission.

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When editors receive manuscript submissions, typically, they glance at the manuscripts quickly or hand them over to an assistant for review. Writing a cover letter to accompany your manuscript submission is a mechanism that enables you to detail the most vital elements of your work.

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