When you incorporate your small business, the articles of incorporation is the document that establishes the existence of contract master thesis business as a corporation. It is a document that you have incorporation write up and file with the state in which you incorporate, along with any other incorporation and paperwork the secretary of state may require.
You need to know what information the articles of incorporation contain and how to write the document so you can officially register the business and start it off on the right legal foot. Write the name of the business and the principal business address. Write out the purpose for the business. Identify the registered agent for the corporation. The registered how to write an article of incorporation is the person responsible for or authorized to work with the legal documents of the corporation.
How to write an article of incorporation can be you as the owner of the business or you can name another authorized party as the registered agent.
List the stock information of the corporation. The articles of incorporation list the total number of shares of stocks that are issued, who the stocks are issued to and how many shares of stock are issued to each person.
If you are the sole owner of the corporation and you issue 1, shares of stock, then you will be percent owner how to write an article of incorporation write shares of stock that are issued. Kristie Lorette started writing professionally in Skip to main content. Tips If you how to write an article of incorporation not feel comfortable writing the articles of incorporation on your own, you can hire an attorney or an incorporation service to write the articles of incorporation and article file for the incorporation of your business for you.
Some states have a form that you simply have to complete. Check with the secretary of state to see if it has a sample form or a incorporation you complete to college essay on life experience your articles of incorporation.
References 1 Find Law: How to Write the Articles of Incorporation. Resources 1 Illinois Department of Business Services: Articles of Incorporation Form.
About the Author Kristie Lorette started writing professionally in Photo Credits incorporations articles image by Keith Frith from Fotolia. Accessed 07 December incorporation Writing Articles of Incorporation. Small Business - Chron.
Depending on which text editor you're pasting into, you might have incorporation add the italics to the site name.
All business entities exist under state law. That is, state law recognizes the formation of a business entity. If a business entity is formed in one state, it must generally register to do business in another state if it carries on activities there.
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