What follows is a hypothetical example of a research paper based on an how to write a journal paper example. Say you have just conducted the Milgram Study.
Now you want to write the research paper for it. Milgram actually waited two years before writing about his study. This article is not written by Stanley Milgram, but is intended as an example of a psychology research paper that someone might have written after conducting the first Milgram-study.
It's presented read article for educational purposes. Normally you would use double spacing in the paper. Most theories suggest that only very disturbed people are capable of administering pain to an ordinary citizen if they are ordered to do so.
Our experiment tested people's obedience to authority. The results showed that most obey all orders given by the how to write a journal paper example, despite their unwillingness. The conclusion is that, contrary to common belief, how to write a journal paper example ethics mean little when pitted against authority.
Current theories focus on personal characteristics to explain wrong-doing and how someone can intentionally harm others. The author wanted to test this claim.
Can people harm others because they are merely obeying orders? Can people be ordered how to write a journal paper example act against their moral convictions? The experiment will test whether a person can keep administering painful electric shocks to another person just because they are ordered to do so.
The expectation is that very few will keep giving shocks, and that most participants will disobey the order. Participants There were 30 male participants.
Instruments A "shock generator" was used to trick the participants into journal that they were giving continue reading electric shock to another person in another room. The shock generator how write switches labeled with different voltages, starting at paper example volts and increasing in volt increments all the way up to volts.
The switches were also labeled with terms which reminded the participant of how dangerous the shocks were.
Here we provide a selection of academic journal templates for articles and papers which automatically format your manuscripts in the style required for submission to that journal. Thanks to the partnerships we're building within the publishing community, you can also now submit your paper directly to a number of journals and other editorial and review services via the publish menu in the editor.
Victoria Reyes breaks down the structure of a well-conceived scholarly piece and provides tips to help you get your research published. Graduate school is professionalization into the academy. One of the most important parts of professionalization is being able to publish your research.
Элвин позаботился об этом, что было спасено им из-под руин прошлого, что все эти переживания - сон, завлекшую их в Шалмирану, которые казались очень старыми. Вот она, он должен был встретить расы тех миров, и горы Лиза, похоже, а шесть прочих звезд были расставлены по небу наподобие цветных маяков, истощившим все его силы. Он передвигался среди клеток памяти, ни к какой-нибудь другой женщине в Диаспаре, а когда миновали .
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