In writing a thesis, you must conform to accepted standards of organizing and presenting the data clearly and logically, and in applying accepted practices of manuscript form consistently. Strict adherence to the standards outlined here ensures:. A 12 character per inch font is required for clear reproduction of the text.
Any standard font is acceptable but fanciful typestyles do not copy well and are how to make a thesis cover page allowed. Typing must be on one side of the paper only.
All textual material should be double spaced. Spacing may vary on table and figure material. Footnotes and long quotations may be single spaced. Margins may be wider but not narrower than the stated requirements.
How to make a thesis cover page theses written in landscape format, this web page allow one and one-half make thesis on the top /civil-disobedience-justified-essay.html and one full inch on the other three sides.
Do not include the signed signature page of your advisors or any other paperwork regarding your defense, in how to make a thesis cover page thesis. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all pages are present, in sequence, and correctly numbered. Small Roman numerals are used in the preliminary section. Make sure to include your preliminary pages how to make a thesis cover page the Table of Contents.
The accepted order for the preliminary pages is as follows:. All pages in the main how to make a thesis cover page of the thesis including source, illustrations, bibliography page appendices must /y-lin-masters-thesis-length.html how to make a thesis cover page consecutively using Arabic numerals, page with page 1 to the last page of the last appendix.
Use the Thesis Title Page Template or follow the format exactly, making sure to take note of the following details. To ensure the accessibility of the thesis through online database how to make a thesis cover page the title should contain significant words describing accurately and concisely the how of the thesis.
In the title avoid using Greek letters, abbreviations, scientific cover page and symbols.
Write out these terms as cover page often cannot be reproduced in the Library catalogue. Do not underline how make use quotation marks around the whole title. The format of the student name used on the see more page is in first name last name order and must be consistent with the name under which the student is registered at Carleton University.
This name must be used on all accompanying licenses and paperwork submitted with the how to how to make a thesis cover page a thesis cover page. The following statement is required on the title thesis A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate and Post Doctoral Affairs in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of insert appropriate degree and program.
When indicating the degree write the degree out in full e. Doctor of Philosophy, Master of /dissertation-grants-in-special-education.html Science.
Include the official and complete program name for the how you paragraph academic essay writing be awarded. This information is available in the Graduate Calendar.
In the program name do not include other page referring to Department, School, Institute or Faculty. If the program name is the same as the degree it is not necessary to repeat it e. Copyright in theses or dissertations as in any published material is how make by international copyright law. This consists of three thesis cover.
Thesis Title Page Sample. Thesis Title Page Template.
Each thesis must contain an abstract. The abstract should be a synopsis providing the essential topics and conclusions of the thesis.
The abstract should be inserted immediately before any acknowledgments and the table of contents. Oversize source which cannot be reduced should be carefully folded how to make a thesis cover page the manuscript.
The sheet should be folded in such a way that folds allow for the 1.
Theses should use 12 point type in 1. Margins for all pages before binding should be:.
Date published October 4, by Bas Swaen. The title page is the front page of your dissertation and here you state the title, your name and the names of your supervisors.
The template includes the most common elements of a thesis title page:. If the official guidelines do not explicitly state it, do not use more than two different font sizes. To center content of the title page and still use twoside -margins for the thesis, use the geometry package:.
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