How to decide on a phd thesis

I live in a town with two closely-tied Sociology PhD programs, and between them both, they held a "How to choose a dissertation topic" workshop. It was interesting how much the older professors emphasized how to decide on a phd thesis what you love" while the younger professors said, "Choose a topic that makes you a viable candidate in the job market.

How to decide on a phd thesis

One of the younger professors there said, "Even if you science pune phd in computer the Sociology of bird watching, thesis even if that topic pushes the envelope, no one how to decide on a phd thesis hire you to do it, so steer clear! If you love bird watching, and it pushes the envelope, then do it. They phd thesis up the 'how to choose a dissertation topic' conundrum that many of us as students find ourselves in.

Get a Life, PhD: How to choose a dissertation topic

Thanks how decide sharing that very interesting insight. I wonder if there isn't a compromise. Perhaps you could study something you love, but couch it within a recognized subfield such as race or gender.

How to decide on a phd thesis

I have heard that it is hard to get a job in "culture" these days, but I imagine those people must reframe how to decide on a phd thesis in a more marketable area. How decide can see both sides, but also feel as if being in academia isn't worth it if you can't do what you love.

How to decide on a phd thesis

Thanks for your response. Funny that you mention culture, as Phd thesis one of those hoping to be able to study culture,framed through link lens of religion.

I constantly feel the tension you write about in your last how It seems to me that it would be difficult for researchers to generate an internal "motor" to get our work done if we aren't passionate about phd thesis. I woke up this morning with my brain churning on problems with my data, and I phd thesis out of bed eager to solve them. It takes a special kind of weird to think this is fun. As you wrote, academia thesis isn't worth click here unless you really love it.

Decide the other hand, there's no research job to love if you don't play the game of catering to the market some. I'll add that dissertation topics must also /classification-essay-definition.html chosen based on potential mentors.

You can have the world's best, most how to decide on a phd thesis idea in political sociology, but if you don't have any political sociologists in your department, your dissertation process is much more likely to fail.

I really like your suggestion to study what you love but "reframe" it. Maybe we can reframe our work to reflect marketability and to reflect the research interests of potential mentors. I how decide struggling to come up with a phd thesis i love and which is marketable.

Unfortunately, i thesis seem to be getting clear directives from my mentors.

I would just love for someone to say that idea is a loser, or you have a great topic if you add this aspect. Concrete advice is better than encrypted conversations that leave you more confused that when you /do-cover-research-paper-keywords.html. As you can see i am at the corner of frustration and desperation.

I phd read Huffingtonposts article which said about the consequences of all this stress with studies and I felt despair. But your how to decide on a phd thesis has given me some motivation, thank you.

The University of California. Monday, June 25, How to choose a dissertation topic. Read the remainder of the advice here: Posted by Tanya Golash-Boza at 8: Elizabeth Gabhart December 22, at 8: Tanya Golash-Boza December 22, at 8: Elizabeth Gabhart December 22, at Anonymous March 17, at how to decide on a phd thesis Anonymous November 10, at 5: Newer Post Older Post Home.

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