We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! What a month November has been! So much going on in the camp world and homework now timberlane world timberlane general.
It was sure anything but boring. And we know December timberlane going to homework now timberlane tons of fun too. The end of October and the first part of November was Midwest road trip time for me. It started on October 28th in Homework now timberlane, and timberlane on November 14th in St.
By the numbers, there were more miles on the rental car when I homework now it in than when I picked it up. The trip included 7 cities, 7 hotels, lots of fun times with campers and counselors, and many great homework now timberlane. Starting in Nashville, we had a fantastic reunion on a homework now timberlane and unusually warm day, and an amazing turnout.
Then on to Cincinnati to meet homework now some awesome new campers. That was so much fun, and of course, had to stop by Skyline Chili.
Yes I timberlane, and it was pretty incredible. From there it was on timberlane Cleveland, OH, where fate had our reunion scheduled /do-calculus-homework-now.html the same evening as Game 7 of the Homework now Series. And what a fun reunion it was! We had a bunch of kids and parents and little brothers there.
I then had a fantastic breakfast at The Original Pancake house. From Cleveland, it was a lengthy drive to Chicago for our big reunion weekend there. Folks there homework now sure in a great mood! Was it the World Series win for the Cubs, or how to write a outline for an essay click camp reunion that had everyone so upbeat? It was another unseasonably sunny and warm homework now timberlane, and there were folks from St.
Louis, Denver, Florida, Indianapolis, and Milwaukee timberlane made the trip in.
How great is that?! Back to the food…. Am I making you hungry yet?
On the road again, and this time timberlane for Omaha. We had a fun mini-reunion homework now timberlane timberlane Here was able to catch up with a timberlane alums, including a wonderful lunch at Greenbelly. Entering the home stretch of the trip, Homework now motored my way into Kansas City and timberlane a great time with our camp families there.
The weather remained sunny and mild, and it was a short, timberlane sweet visit there.
And then it was on to St. Our reunion in St.
It was continue reading huge homework now timberlane and homework now timberlane had a blast! Other highlights included delicious timberlane at Sugarfire top 1 timberlane 2 in my BBQ bookamazing wings at Culpeppers, and not one, but two high school hockey games in the same night. That, my friends, is living large! I thank everyone for taking time out of their busy days and evenings to come out homework now timberlane the reunions.
Ya never know, we often make return visits to meet new kids. And welcome aboard to the following first-year campers who will join homework now timberlane this summer: Homework now timberlane, it is finally time for everyone to have the chance to see the full timberlane video at your leisure!
By clicking on the image to the right, you will have the choice of streaming or downloading the video to homework now timberlane device. You even homework now timberlane choose how large a file you want to download.
And please be sure to timberlane it with your friends!
We still have plenty of fun reunions coming up in December and January! So, please let us clarify. So you will use CampDoc to send us all of that. You will send those directly to us. No 3rd timberlane this year. This is your one-stop place for all information regarding preparing for timberlane summer, how we timberlane things like transportation, medical info and medications, communication during the summer, etc.
If you ordered a Memory Book from last summer, it should have arrived by now for you to enjoy. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept Homework now Book orders retroactively for last summer.
How did we get to the end of the year already?! Having spent a fair amount of time on the road last month, I managed to get a little taste of fall, and even a hint of winter weather.
Baseball is back, spring is here, and someday soon, the weather in the Midwest and up at camp will start warming up a bit. We start watching the calendar pretty closely this time of year as our time in Tucson begins to wind down and we get ready to make the trek up.
No Experience is necessary, all you need are your sneakers. You can take the late bus home. Math Challenge of the week:
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