Which words end with -cious and -tious? What are silent letters?
How to spell the 'shun' sound. Grammar writing help ks2 is the 'sh' sound spelt with grammar writing help ks2 When is the 'i' sound spelt with a 'y'?
When is the 'uh' sound spelt 'ou'? When is the 's' sound spelt with 'sc'?
Which words end with -ture and -sure? Which words end source -sion?
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How to use possessive apostrophes. How to use a semi-colon. How to use commas in sentences. How to use hyphens and dashes. How to use an ellipsis. How to use bullet points. How to use brackets. grammar writing help ks2
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A new UK Government took office on 11 May. As a result the content on this site may not reflect current Government policy.
Rob Smith redgierob of Literacy Shed fame today posted a simple enough question on Twitter:. As is so often the way with such simple questions, a can of worms was soon sprung open.
In May , the SPAG test was updated in line with the new primary curriculum and was made more challenging. Since children have also been tested on spelling, grammar and punctuation as part of the KS1 SATs in Year 2, though the SPAG paper has not been statutory every year so schools have been able to choose whether to adminster it or not. Paper 2 is a spelling test, where children will have to spell words dictated by the examiner presented within sentences.
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