Proposal 1 Proposal 2 Proposal Links: Before an article, report, or brief is accepted into the Undergraduate Engineering Review, the author must first submit a proposal that specifies the check this out of the research, the scope and limitations example the research, and the methods for the research.
Submitters should read the journal's Request for Proposals before submitting. Unfortunately, nuclear fission, the process used to create this large amount energy, creates significant amounts of high level radioactive waste.
More than 30, metric tons of nuclear waste have arisen from U. Because of the build-up of this waste, some power plants will be forced to shut down.
To avoid losing an important source of energy, a safe and project proposal conclusion place to keep this waste is necessary. This document proposes a literature review of whether Yucca Mountain is a suitable site for a nuclear waste repository.
The proposed review will discuss the economical and environmental aspects of a national storage facility.
This proposal includes my methods for gathering information, a schedule for completing the review, and my qualifications. However, the DOE is undecided on where to put this high level radioactive waste. Yucca Mountain, located in Nevada, is a example of a project proposal conclusion site.
There are many questions regarding the safety of the Yucca Mountain waste repository. Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory disagree over the long-term example of the proposed high level example of a project proposal conclusion waste site located in Nevada.
InCharles Bowman, a researcher at Los Alamos, developed a theory claiming that years of storing waste in the mountain example of a project proposal conclusion actually start a nuclear chain reaction and explode, similar to an atomic bomb [Taubes, ]. Example of a project proposal conclusion stir caused by theory suggests that researchers have not explored all sides of the safety issue concerning potentially hazardous situations at Yucca Mountain. Bowman's theory that Yucca Mountain could explode is based upon the idea that enough waste will eventually disperse through the rock to create a critical mass.
A critical mass is an amount of fissile material, such as plutonium, containing enough mass to start a neutron chain example of a project proposal conclusion [Murray, ].
Bowman argues that if this chain reaction were /how-to-make-a-lab-report-for-microbiology.html underground, the conclusion in the ground would help keep the system compressed and speed example of a project proposal conclusion the chain reaction [Taubes, ]. A chain reaction formed underground could then generate huge amounts of energy in a fraction of a second, resulting in a nuclear blast.
Project proposal nuclear explosion of this magnitude would emit large amounts of radioactivity into the air and ground water.
Another safety concern conclusion example of a project proposal conclusion possibility of a volcanic eruption in Yucca Mountain. The long-term nuclear waste storage facility needs to remain stable for at least 10, years to allow the example of a project proposal conclusion isotopes to decay example of a project proposal conclusion natural levels [Clark, ]. There are at least a dozen young volcanoes within 40 article source of the proposed Yucca Mountain waste site [Weiss, ].
The proximity of Yucca Mountain to these volcanoes example project proposal a project proposal example it possible to have a volcanic eruption pass through example of a project proposal conclusion spent fuel waste repository. Such a volcanic eruption could release damaging amounts of radioactivity to the environment. Objectives I propose to review the available literature about using Yucca Mountain as a possible repository for click the following article nuclear fuel.
In this review I will achieve the following two goals: According to the Department of Energy DOEa repository proposal conclusion high-level radioactive waste must meet several criteria including safety, location, and economics example, ].
Safety includes not only the effect of the repository on people near the site, but also people along the transportation routes to the site. In my research I will consider both groups of people. As far as location, a click to see more site proposal conclusion be in an area with a large population or near a ground water supply.
Also, because one of the most significant factors in determining the life span of a possible project is how long the waste storage canisters will remain in tact, click the following article waste site must be located in a dry climate to eliminate the moisture that can cause the waste canisters to corrode.
The economics involved in selecting a site is another criterion.
Just like with any kind of persuasion, it helps if you understand how to appeal to your audience. What do they care about? What kind of language and benefits would resonate with them?
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- Элвин.
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