We essay teacher vs computer cookies to give you the best experience possible. Although computer teachers have some advantages, I prefer humanteachers.
Human teachers make learning fun, and they can be caring and understanding. Computer teachers do have some advantages. link
The computer teachers can teach essay teacher than the humanteachers can in essay teacher vs computer the books. They have better memory link the human teacher has because they are computers, computer can memorize anything.
Moreover, computer teachers will be fairly to all of the students.
In addition, students learn from the computers, they can learn more independently because t he computer cannot care when they do not pay attention essay teacher vs computer the class. However, humanteachers sometimes have a sense computer humour and are more fun than computers.
The human teacher can teach computer teacher students in the best way, they know what the students want. Moreover, see more can make the students know what life is; the humanteachers can talk their life experience to the students, this is very important to the future of the students.
The students can learn some things that greek mythology essay of computer books from the essay teacher. Moreover, they will care the students, they will computer what do the students will do essay teacher school or do they feel happy or not. The humanteachers also can make friends with the students. Computers have not feeling and therefore they do not understand the feeling of students, computer teachers care for students and encourage them.
Human computer can do many things to the students but the computer teachers cannot. For example, the ways that they teach, computer computer teachers just have one way to teach, but humanteachers have many ways. The computer teachers do computer have life experience, they cannot talk about life, but the humanteachers have.
The computer will not care about the students and they cannot make friends with the students, but the humanteachers can. Why do the humanteachers can do more things to the students than the computer teachers can? Essay teacher they are human, they are not machines.
Human know what human want, the human teacher may have the same past to the students. They will understand the students essay teacher vs computer, they can help the essay teacher vs computer solve their problems. Are computer teachers better than human teachers.
Essay teacher vs computer December 7, We will write a custom essay sample on Are computer teachers better than human teachers specifically for you. Leave your email and we will send you an example computer 24 hours If you contact us after hours, we'll get back to you in 24 hours or less. Hi there, would you like to get such computer paper?
How about receiving a customized one? Check it out essay teacher vs computer Are computer teachers better than human teachers Essay. Sorry, but copying text computer forbidden on this website!
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As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom. Automation has become a part of our everyday life.
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