Politics is a science essay on student role in politics deals with the promotion of the general welfare of the state and its people. Like any other science it has its rules and laws which when put to work produce specific effects. Many debate about the participation of students in politics essay student the truth is, there is nothing wrong in students understanding the laws that govern the prosperity of their country. The word politics has acquired a reputation for being associated with all essay on student role in politics negative.
It does not help to see our members of parliament hurling abuses at one another on prime television.
Where is the dignity?? Where is the respect for the constitution?? Politics is generally equated with agitation-constitutional politics unconstitutional.
This takes on bigger proportions when all student role of media are used to propagate it. The escalating drama then rears its here head in the form politics Bandhs, stone throwing, and unrestricted violence. The result is almost always click the following article of life and essay of property.
Now this politics the kind of politics that students should have no part of.
Constitutional agitation requires knowledge, acquaintance with the forms of government in the country and an understanding of the socio-economic dynamics of the country. It calls for educating the masses to understand their needs.
It calls for pressing on those in power, the need for reform in an educated and nonviolent way. Students have no place getting involved in constitutional agitation either.
This requires knowledge of the constitution, the conditions of life- something the student is yet to experience, and an understanding of the demerits of existing forms. The mind of the student is not sufficiently developed to undertake all this work.
Besides youth /homemaker-cover-letter.html the age essay on student role in politics enthusiasm. It is the time to learn, the time to soak in experiences, the time to gather information. Without experience or knowledge the youth will end only propagating the views of others.
It is important that he must develop his own opinion based on the facts available. Youth is a stage in mans development where the mind is inexperienced hence prone to brash outrage.
There is enthusiasm yes, but it needs to be channeled in the right way for it to one day turn into wisdom so that it can serve both him and his nation. However, students can prepare for their sojourn in politics. Essay on student role in politics must use the time they have at this point of their life when they are not hampered by politics responsibilities to study and gain information. Political science should put before the children facts about the essay on student role in politics and history of government as per their capacity to understand.
College students should be allowed to attend political meetings so that they gain hands on knowledge of the goings on at click to see more meetings. They should, however, not be allowed to participate.
It is the time to assimilate knowledge, harness it so that one can use it essay on student role in politics one has the wisdom to do so. College might be treated as mock parliament and the students might be allowed to assail politics in this mock parliament. Students will learn how to put their point across, they politics learn to accept criticism, and more important, they will understand that there might be different ways politics doing the same thing.
Politics is a very commonly used term whether we talk about it in the context of political parties or in a broader framework. We often observe political leaders delivering a speech on politics while upholding their ideologies and thought processes.
Students do pay a vital role in the society and how a society is shaped generation after generations. The formative period of an individual is during the student phase and hence it is known to be the crucial time of life.
Participation of Students in Politics. Students and Political Agitations.
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