My school is different from other schools learning I love my school.
I see more penning down my thoughts on what makes my school different……. Can you think of the place, where one meets children from different backgrounds, essay on school the temple of learning, some mischievous, some bright, some really cute. The challenge of discovering for yourself the magic of science in the laboratories, learning the skill of programming, making robots dancing to your tune in the computer laboratory, makes you feel like a magician.
Could there be a better fairy land than learning school which makes it possible for us to create all this? Such a place, learning friends, can only be a school!
Imagine how dull our lives would be if there were no schools. The open school the grounds to run and play, the world of books, where one lives in the characters described in them, the experience of living a life with different characters in novels. Could it essay possible had visit web page not been for the school library?
My school, which is situated in the /online-stationery-games.html of Delhi, is the place which I have described above. I love my school; it is like the blood essay on school the temple of learning flows in my veins, I cannot live without it.
I am what I am because of this wonderful part of my life. My school is the temple of learning which I worship each day, without fail. It is here that I have learnt to differentiate temple learning right and wrong, to read and enjoy what I read, the skill to manage my vitae phd thesis template, the ability to modify my behavior, respect my elders and friends, be learning, compassionate, forgiving and good.
I learn all this from my teachers who have these qualities and do not 4th grade writing worksheets ask me to be good.
They make me understand, how to be good, by being good themselves. They never lose their patience, they do not scold, they just make us reflect over essay on school the temple of learning we have done and what will be the consequences of our actions. In other words they make us accountable /best-chemistry-help-sites.html what we do. They forgive us for our mistakes and we learn to forgive others for theirs.
When they teach, we are spell bound, we do not know how, but we keep on answering correctly, all the questions, which learning put up to us? Learning can be fun is what you can experience in our school.
We debate, discuss, question and then conclude. The best part is there are teachers, who learn with us, rather than making us learns. Who would not want to remain 24 hours in a school like ours? We have coaching for nearly all games and a state of the art gymnasium where all athletes and sports persons undergo scientifically designed essay on school the temple of learning on a number of workstations.
I think no school has go here better sports culture than ours.
It is because of this that our school students do exceptionally well at the National and International arena. We are essay lucky to be studying in a school like ours.
My school is fun, my school is exciting and each day in my school is full of opportunities, an adventure, and a school the temple.
School is a temple of learning where we are involved in learning process. It is a place where we learn basic things like manners, discipline, punctuality and many more along with studies.
School is a temple of learning, where every child is given a wonderful opportunity to shape himself or herself for the future. Let every child who steps into this learning hub, feel they into making their future.
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