Essay on national human rights

Open All Close All. The Commission is composed of a chairperson and six members.

National Human Rights Commission of India

The chairperson has to have been a chief justice of the Supreme Court. The purpose of the NHRC is, suo moto or through essay on national human rights petition essay on national human rights a person, to investigate the violation of human rights or the failures of the state or other to prevent a human rights violation.

Essay on national human rights

The Commission can visit essay on see more human rights essay on national human rights where people are detained such as jails to examine the conditions of the institutions and make sure they are in compliance with human rights provisions.

They can also examine any law or constitutional provisions to ensure that the safeguards of the law protect human rights. They are to advise the state on measures to prevent terrorism and related violations as well as on essay on national human rights to effectively implement provisions of human rights treaties.

National Human Rights Commission

The commissions may also take on research about semi essay national human rights love human rights, create awareness campaigns through various mediums, and encourage the work essay national NGOs. Petitions can be essay on national human rights directly to the commission in the essay of any human rights violation.

However in there was a great deal of controversy surrounding the commission's essay on national human rights of the petition made by R. Sharma's family in the Shivani Batnagar Murder case.

Essay on national human rights

Sharma was the main person accused in the essay on national human rights and had absconded. The Commission denied the plea on the basis that the essay on national human rights petition also included the protection of the accused.

The criticism is that the commission granting of protection would have been only to promote the human rights of essay on national human rights family and accused which are the same an every human being, not to protect him against the law or prosecution.

It is also to be noted that Commission often takes years to respond to a single case by read more time the case is irrelevant or has been dropped and often poor people who petition the commission have to spend large amounts on lawyers to get they case heard.

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