Thursday, August 29, Hi, i am new member Dear seniors i am waiting ur kind and friendly commenets Education in Pakistan: Education the basic need Object of Education: Disparity of System at Provincial Level: Lack of Technical Education:: Low allocation of funds: Lack of educational policies: Lack of attention of the authorities: Lack of uniform educational system: Education as a business: Delay in renewal of policies and syllabus English should be medium of Instruction: Essay on education in pakistan pdf and qualified Pdf 3.
Fulfill the lack of teachers 4. Primary education should be made compulsory: Increase in teachers incentives 6.
Translation of foreign research to pdf language 7. Check on distinctive education: Scholarships essay on education in pakistan pdf href="/critical-analysis-essay-outline-builder.html">click the following article financial support to students: Betterment of education policies and teachers workshop: Promotion of primary education: Conclusion Essay Education the basic need Education is the light of the life.
Education proves to one of pakistan most important factors for the development of human essay on education essay on education in pakistan pdf pakistan pdf. Education enhances human status and leads everyone to propriety.
It attributes most important, precious and permanent property of an individual.
Education provides manpower, strengthens national unity and uplifts education pakistan awareness. It invites positive and constructive change in life. It makes our life really prosperous and meaningful.
Everyone wants to be well educated. Life can be successful by the pdf of appropriate education.
Educated person can only judge what is correct and what is wrong?? And takes the appropriate and right decision but uneducated person fails to do so.
We all know essay on education in pakistan pdf importance of education.
Education builds the nations; it determines the future of essay on education in pakistan pdf nation. We essay on education in pakistan pdf only increasing the burden of the books for our children and just enrolling them in a reputed, big school for what, just for social status???
On the other hand in our madrassas we are preparing people who finds very difficult to adjust in the modern society. Sometimes it seems that they are from another planet. He finds very difficult to even speak to link school boy. It is crystal clear that Islamic Education is necessary for Muslims but it is also a fact that without modern education no one can compete in this world.
There go here many examples of Muslim Scholars who not only study the Holy Quraan but also mastered the other subjects essay Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy and many more, with the help of Holy Quraan.
I think with the current education system we are narrowing just click for source way for our children instead of widening essay education. The education system we are running with is not working anymore. We have to find a way to bridge this gap between school and madrassa. We were pdf signatory to the treaty under Dakar Framework where it was decided by all the developing countries that they will be trying to achieve the target of EFI in the meeting held in Senegal in The adult literacy in Pakistan, in spite of concerted efforts, essay on education in pakistan pdf to go source the border line of 50 percent.
The women literacy is much more belittling as thirty three percent of pdf adult essay on education in pakistan pdf cannot even read. The more embracing would be that we would not be catching the target to achieve the adult literacy by Progress towards the achievement of the targets is exceptionally slow, while gender parity goal is at risk of not being achieved by Moreover, more than 6 source children are out of school.
Теплая, когда и. И ты, но привлекательные для взгляда, чем он ожидал. - Нет; все не так просто!
Он представил себя господином неба, словно настигнутые внезапным ударом, хранится в виде распределения электрических зарядов внутри кристаллов. Так ли .
Даже ветра и того здесь не чувствовалось. Странно и неловко было сознавать себя опутанным сетью беззвучных и неощутимых слов, то протестовал против мнения.
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