Its previous location was set up in and was the first public zoo in India. It is affiliated writing zoo the Central Zoo Authority of India.
As of the park houses around 1, wild species, including 46 endangered species, in its zoo. In writing essay english writing zoo, Edward Green Balfourthe then director of essay english writing Government Central Museum at Madraspersuaded the Nawab of the Carnatic to donate his entire zoo collection to the museum.
This attracted large crowds and became the nucleus of the Madras Zoowhich was founded in Balfour started the zoo on the museum premisesand a year later it had over animals, including mammals, birds and reptiles.
Bythe zoo could no longer expand, and it had to be moved out of the city because of space constraints and increased noise pollution due to the city's high-density writing zoo. Hence essay english writing zoo zoo was planned in essay english maintain the animals in the zoo in good simulated conditions.
Ramachandranwhen most of the works were completed. In the beginning, the area was nothing more than a scrub jungle, with practically no tree cover. The zoo authorities and people from surrounding villages collected seeds /critical-thinking-model-essay.html different trees from essay english writing zoo areas and afforested the zoo area.
Inthe zoo learn more here the read more Essay english writing Zoo Superintendents Conference, as part of the centenary celebrations. The main objectives of the park are ex-situ propagation of critically essay english writing zoo species to prevent their extinction, essay english writing zoo education and interpretation aimed at a wider public appreciation of wildlife, and wildlife essay english to promote wildlife conservation and management.
The overall management of the zoo is vested in the director of the park. The director is also the member secretary of the Zoo Authority of Tamil Nadu formed under Tamil Nadu Society Actwhich started functioning from 1 Aprilwriting zoo comprises the following members:.
The Government of Tamil Nadu provides funds for paying the zoo staff and maintenance of zoo vehicles.
Other expenditures, such as maintenance of animal enclosures, feed for animals, animal health care, maintenance of writing zoo, drainage, water, electricity essay english maintenance of battery-operated vehicles, are met from the income generated by the zoo, chiefly by means of the entry essay english writing zoo. The yearly budget writing zoo the park for its developmental and maintenance work is approved by the governing board.
The functions of the zoo are carried out by several departments, namely, administration, animal welfare, commissary store essay english, transport, research, education and awareness, veterinary, horticulture, security and sanitation.
There are currently about full-time essay english writing zoo against a sanctioned strength ofincluding forest rangers, wildlife keepers, biologists and veterinary doctors.
The director in the rank of chief conservator of forests, supported by one additional director, one deputy director, and two assistant directors, heads writing zoo park.
Other staff include 27 ministerial staff, 39 field staff including drivers and permanent workers under various categories. In writing zoo to check this out regular staff, the park has also employed contract labourers.
The veterinary department is headed by one veterinary officer and two veterinary assistant surgeons with two veterinary attendants. The task of education, interpretation, and research is executed by three biologists of /pay-for-admissions-essay.html park.
The park is located at Vandalur in the south-western part of the Chennai Metropolitan Essay english writing zoo 6 kilometres essay english writing zoo.
A Visit to A Zoo: Our school broke up for the winter vacations.
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