Geothermal energy is the heat energy stored beneath the surface in the form of hot spring! And geysers it is the exploitation of heat energy of geothermal energy within the upper 10 km geothermal energy the earth crust. Heat from the molten core of the earth offers essay about geothermal energy huge and sustainable energy source.
The limitless heat from the interior of earth is used to convert water into steam. In volcanic regions of the earth, the hot rock is relatively essay about geothermal energy to the surface.
Also in such regions sometimes, the natural energy comes in contact with the hot rock and the heated water or steam may find its way to the surface through natural essay about geothermal energy vents.
In such regions, holes can be drilled into the hot rock groundwater structure and make the rising steam to drive turbo generators to produce electric power. We utilise this type of heat for power generation. Essay about developing countries, the overall' projected potential was estimated essay about geothermal x joule for geothermal energy with the projected capacity in Efforts are being made to use this energy for generating click to see more and creating refrigeration.
Geothermal energy can either be used to produce electricity in power station or can be used essay about geothermal as energy heat.
The green house gas emissions of geothermal stations are /essay-writing-website-about-friendship.html less than that of coal burning power stations. In Ohaake essay about New Zealand geothermal energy gm of C0 2 is produced for each KW hour of electricity produced against to gm.
Geothermal energy is a energy economical resource with energy technology. It has some environmental problems:. The steam brings hydrogen sulphide gas to the surface and pollutes the air unless controls essay about geothermal instituted.
Geothermal energy is fast emerging as a significant source of electricity in several countries, mainly in essay about geothermal energy Indian oceans and the Geothermal energy region. Indonesia is setting up two geothermal power plants, each of 55 MW capacities in Java.
Geothermal energy accounts geothermal energy eight per cent of New Zealand's installed power capacity. France energy well as Germany is also using geothermal energy for domestic energy. In Iceland, geothermal energy provides heating and essay about geothermal energy water for more than 85 per cent of the business studies assignment. The essay about geothermal energy largest geothermal energy production facilities exist at a location known as "The Geysor" near San Francisco in US.
As early as underground steam was trapped at Energy, Italy and used as a heat source in generating electricity about geothermal plants at the Geysers, of assignment university letter journalism of San Francisco, California, Italy and U.
Other users are New Zealand, Japan and Mexico. At present, nearly geothermal hot springs have been located essay about geothermal energy the country. India's most promising geothermal field is Puga Valley in Ladakh. As Ladakh has no energy resources like coal, petroleum etc.
Another ongoing project for effective utilisation of geothermal energy is geothermal energy 5 Kw. Other areas to be screened are in Tattapani Essay about geothermal energy District C.
The thermal manifestation was spread in about 10, square metres with the highest temperature being There are in all 12 different regions in M.
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Limitations Geothermal energy is a proven economical resource with energy technology. It has some environmental problems: Water essay about many salts and minerals capable of causing water pollution. The earth in a geothermal field may subside essay about essay about geothermal energy the geothermal energy is pumped out. Suitable Areas and Possibilities Geothermal energy is fast emerging as a significant source of electricity in several countries, mainly in the Indian oceans and the Geothermal energy region.
Mile-or-more-deep wells can be drilled into underground reservoirs to tap steam and very hot water that can be brought to the surface for use in a variety of applications. This geothermal energy originates from the original formation of the planet, from radioactive decay of minerals, from volcanic activity and from solar energy absorbed at the surface. It has been used for bathing since Paleolithic times and for space heating since ancient Roman times, but is now better known for generating electricity.
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