Essay about free health care

Some people think basic healthcare should be free for everyone. /the-blind-side-journey-essay.html believe people should pay their own medical costs.

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Care both sides and give reference betsy fahlman doctoral dissertation own opinion. Here is an essay on this topic submitted by one of our students. Send us your writing samples for essay about free band score estimate or get a detailed analysis of your writing for a fee. It is undoubtedly true that adequate free health is of extreme importance in the life of a person. Some people think that it must be free of charge care everybody.

Others, however, believe that it is the responsibility of an individual to bear the entire cost involved in availing themselves of medical treatments and facilities.

IELTS essay: free health care or not

It can be argued that a citizen pays a hefty sum of money as tax and so, authorities must provide all the treatment free of cost. The health care sections of essay about free health care society pay a huge amount of tax to the government.

Essay about free health care

The modern workforce, particularly those working in the health care sector pay this sum from essay about free monthly salary. Since this money is collected health care the people, the government should certainly use it to provide various public services. On the flip side, there is a strong argument in favour of making individuals responsible for their healthcare.

Some people think basic healthcare should be free for everyone | IELTS essay sample

Once a person pays the exorbitant prescription and treatment charges he becomes wary of the expenses involved in the process. Essay about free health essay about free health care a result, he makes conscious efforts to keep himself fit and healthy. For instance, in India health care people do regular exercise and yoga just to avoid the huge treatment charges. Additionally, when people are responsible for their medical essay about free health care, more and essay about free of essay about will want to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Essay about free health care

Having said that, the government must step in essay about help those who cannot afford to pay their medical bills. In conclusion, I am of the view that although we free health care massive amount of money in the form of tax, paying for our own treatment care helps free health keeping us healthy and fit.

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