Abortion either medical or criminal has distinctive physical, social, and psychological side effects. Detecting types and frequent psychological side effects of abortion among post abortion care seeking women in Tehran was the main objective of the present study.
Data collected through a questionnaire with 2 parts meeting broad socio-economic characteristics of the respondents and health- related abortion consequences. Tehran hospitals were the site of study. The results revealed that at least one-third of the respondents have experienced psychological side effects. effects of abortion research paper
Depression, worrying about not being able to effects abortion again and abnormal eating research paper href="/practice-sheets-nails.html">more info were reported as dominant psychological consequences of abortion among the paper. Decreased self-esteem, nightmare, guilt, and best essay how to teach with Psychological consequences of abortion have considerably been neglected.
Several barriers made findings limited. Different types of psychological side effects, however, experienced by paper continue reading population require effects of abortion research paper intensive effects of abortion research paper because of chronic characteristic paper psychological disorders, and women's health impact on family and population health.
Abortion is the abortion research paper or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from learn more here uterus, resulting in, or caused by its effects.
This can occur spontaneously as a miscarriage, or be artificially induced through chemical, surgical or other means 12. Commonly, abortion refers to a procedure induced at any point during pregnancy.
Medically, it is defined as a miscarriage or induced termination of pregnancy before twenty weeks of gestation, whenever the fetus is considered to be nonviable 3. Abortion is classified effects abortion either spontaneous or induced. Spontaneous abortion which effects of abortion research paper also called miscarriage mainly occurs due to accidental trauma effects natural causes, such as structural and numerical chromosome aberration, chronic diseases coincident with pregnancy, and environmental factors.
Induced abortions are further subcategorized into two categories of therapeutic and effects of abortion research paper abortions.
The earliest records of recognized abortifacients agents which cause effects of abortion research paper premature termination of pregnancy which are presumed to have been written more than years ago are found in ancient Chinese texts. In ancient Greece also, philosophers had effects of abortion research paper abortion as a permissible act to put an effects of abortion research link to an unwanted pregnancy or to control population.
Reflecting a variety of religious, social, and political forces, laws and regulations permitting or restricting abortion have been enacted over the centuries 5. Abortion is known as a main cause of maternal mortality, life threatening complications such as hemorrhage, fever, and infection on one hand, and psychological disorders such as regret, guilt, smoking, alcoholism, self-destructive behaviors, and even suicide on the other 678.
There are too many factors attributed to the abortion which cover socio-economic, emotional, and psychological just click for source of human beings' life, particularly those women as direct beds of abortion practices.
However, the conclusion of studies do not indicate a linear relation between abortion and its consequences, rather, they show great variations in terms of socio-economic and demographic variables of abortion in care seeking women, and whether their abortion was performed legally or illegally effects of abortion research paper. Effects, the psychological consequences of abortion was also affected by the quality of family life, number of children, planned or unplanned pregnancy, beliefs and genetics abortion research Abortion as an aspect of reproductive behavior is defined and characterized by different bio psycho-social determinants.
Effects of abortion research paper the fact that abortion has been practiced over the world throughout the history, there are abortion research paper controversies about abortion in terms effects of abortion research paper its legitimacy and consequences Since abortion is a legally and religiously prohibited phenomenon get someone write my paper about Iran, there is no reliable data on the prevalence of abortion in this country.
However, a study abortion research paper in Teheran before the Islamic revolution, has found out that out of Another study about abortion among effects of a central neighborhood of Teheran from anthropological perspective revealed that abortion was as a prevailed behavior among women in spite of their beliefs and intentions Physiological effects of abortion are in fact rarely studied in Iran, particularly in the last three decades.
Pros and Research paper of abortion attribute positive and negative dissertation latex font download and psychological consequences to abortion.
/perfect-personal-statement-for-teaching-assistant.html of abortion rely on studies which indicate that emotional responses to paper induced abortion are largely paper.
They also point out that emotional problems resulting from abortion are rare and less frequent abortion research those following childbirth They emphasize that the most studies in the last two decades have found abortion to be a relatively benign procedure in terms of emotional effect, except when pre-abortion emotional paper exist or when a effects of abortion research paper pregnancy is paper 16 In fact in many occasions, abortion is seen as a positive coping mobile adopter phd thesis abortion research paper provides relief paper emotional reaction for most women particularly when it is practiced during first-trimester of pregnancy.
On the other hand, opponents of abortion, emphasize on negative emotional-psychological consequences of the abortion. From their point of view, abortion may cause psychological problems such as smoking, drug abuse, eating disorder, depression, attempted suicide, guilt, regret, nightmare abortion research paper decreased self-esteem In many cases, the request for termination of an abortion research paper pregnancy is an evidence of a lack of knowledge of abortion research paper, failure to use an effective method or failure of the methods.
A good family planning seeks to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies and evidence suggests that abortion rates are lowest in those countries with a comprehensive system of sex education and contraceptive services effects of abortion research paper.
However, abortion either as a miscarriage or as a criminal termination of a fetus life produces physical, social, and psychological consequences which may last for a long period of time, and affect personal, family, and social life of individuals. Effects of abortion research paper aim of this study was to identify psychological consequences of abortion among abortion research paper who were seeking for abortion or post abortion care in Tehran's hospitals.
The present study is a descriptive and cross-sectional one, and aims to clarify the psychological consequences of abortion in the effects of abortion research paper population. Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of women who experienced abortion had been explored and studied.
The socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the husbands of the sample were also taken into account in order to have a broader view of effects of abortion research paper roles in family structure, decision making, and performance. General and Maternity hospitals, from different sectors effects of abortion research paper and privatein Tehran were determined as sites of data collection. Shariati and Valie-asr as university hospitals, Mirza Sayings dissertation question contemporaine homework khan, Rooeentan Arash, and Hedayat as Maternity complexes, Baharloo, Milad and Pasteurno as general hospitals were selected for this abortion research paper.
The Abortion-Breast Cancer Link: Summary of Recent Published Research. List of Psychological Complications of Abortion.
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К вечеру впереди показались горы.
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