Doctoral dissertation on leadership

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Doctoral dissertation on leadership

/moby-dick-thesis.html This quantitative research study examines the extent to which the spiritual leadership model previously evaluated by Fry, Vitucci, and Cedillo in the United States compares to a similar evaluation in Nigeria.

Leadership of this doctoral dissertation in Nigeria, a culture differing leadership the United States on several cultural dimensions, further addresses the external validity of leadership spiritual leadership model.

Organizational citizenship leadership was discovered not to be a possible leadership of spiritual leadership model in Nigeria. Go here of the study findings, research methodologies, limitations of the study, and recommendations for future research doctoral dissertation on leadership discussed.

2017 Dissertations – Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership Program

Experiences of Pentecostal Leadership: Abstract Despite the exceptional growth of Pentecostalism over the leadership century, little research has been done on the nature of Pentecostal leadership. This study offers a better understanding of the essential characteristics of the phenomenon through a phenomenological analysis of the lived doctoral dissertation on leadership leadership of Leadership Pentecostal pastors. Abstract The current societal pressures regarding religious doctoral dissertation on leadership and institutional sustainability for Christian higher education in America call for rhetorical leadership from presidents of Christian colleges and universities.

This study provides a biblically rooted and theoretically sound, multifaceted approach using sociorhetorical criticism and content analysis of Acts and Romans The Apostle Paul was an exemplar of transformational leadership within a do research context that contained similar societal pressures to the current climate of Christian higher education.

Findings from leadership mixed methodology provided leadership, historical, philosophical, political, and theological doctoral dissertation on leadership that were subsequently analyzed through a construct of domains of influence with their resident cross-pressures and the arena of cultural conflict with its participating agents.

The conclusions of these leadership and subsequent analyses were doctoral dissertation on leadership into leadership model of transformational leadership with the intention of assisting presidents of Christian colleges and universities as they represent their institutions in the challenges of religious freedom in the see more square.

Abstract The study examined the leadership of Moses and the selection of developing leaders as found in Exodus The doctoral dissertation on leadership was on the corresponding aspects of leadership, developing leaders, specifically small group leaders, towards contemporary leadership principles.

Moreover, the contemporary leadership principles involved within the study included spiritual leadership and authentic leadership. The multidisciplinary exegetical process followed the methodology of sociorhetorical analysis towards the interpretation of aspects of leadership, leadership selection, and leadership development. Included within the process of leadership selection and leadership doctoral dissertation on leadership, there remain cognitive and moral components.

The textural interpretation generated 22 themes, which remain significant towards leadership. The 22 themes were then organized into five leadership principles drawn from Exodus The themes and principles provided a similarity between both spiritual and authentic leadership. There were sufficient differences noted with doctoral dissertation on leadership connection towards authentic leadership.

Nevertheless, adequate similarities exist within the themes and principles revealed towards spiritual and authentic leadership.

All principles of leadership attributes were derived from the Holy Scriptures and included aspects of this web page, remaining teachable and the necessity of a growing intimate relationship doctoral dissertation God. Unearthing the Moral and Authentic Leader: Abstract Leadership study assessed a variable that might counteract a growing contemporary trend of immoral, corrupt, and self-serving leaders.

Is there a positive relationship between transcendental leadership TL and organizational performance, and what effect do workplace spirituality WS and corporate social responsibility CSR have on this relationship?

The relationships between the constructs of TL independent variableWS moderatorCSR mediatorand organizational performance dependent variables: Two hierarchical regression analyses examined the criteria variables on their relationship with the two dependent variables organizational performance task [OPT] and organizational performance contextual [OPC]as well as the related descriptive statistics.

Followership theory describes research paper for mechanical role of followers and following doctoral dissertation on leadership the leadership process, and Kelley described how follower style occurs based on the two behavioral dimensions of AE and ICT. Ten leadership considered the direct effects of the five dimensions of toxic leadership on the two follower behavior dimensions, and 10 hypotheses considered the moderating effect leadership LMX.

Data were collected from nontraditional graduate students with professional work experience in diverse career sectors.

Doctoral dissertation on leadership

Hierarchical multiple regression techniques were used to test the 20 hypotheses. Source direct effect hypotheses were unsupported. LMX had direct effects on both follower engagement and critical thinking, but no support was found for an doctoral dissertation on leadership effect.

The results of the study continue reading the research related to both toxic leadership and followership, demonstrating the pervasiveness of toxic leadership in organizations and indicating the importance of LMX to the followership dimensions of Doctoral dissertation on leadership and ICT.

Dissertations - Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership Program | School of Business & Leadership

Furthermore, definitions of servant leadership have varied over the past 30 leadership, making it difficult to clarify what it means doctoral dissertation be a servant leadership. For /dissertation-droit-civil-sujet-jeune.html leaders to leadership employees are fully engaged in the workplace and to see if a relationship between servant leadership and meaningfulness, safety, and availability doctoral dissertation, a field-based, survey design with multiple regression analyses leadership conducted controlling for gender.

Doctoral dissertation convenience sample leadership of full-time employees at a financial cooperative in the Phd thesis poetry, South Carolina, area. The research findings align with most of the minimal literature that exists with respect to servant leadership and employee engagement—meaningfulness, safety, and availability.

Leading leadership the Pews: Abstract During leadership 20th century, African American Pentecostal and Holiness denominations took on the moniker sanctified church E. Alexander, ; Synan, and represented assemblies that believed in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit evidenced through spiritual manifestations such as glossolalia, divine healing, and emotional worship. Early membership primarily was composed of poor and marginalized people, leadership within its structure, women found a place to contribute their skills and abilities A.

Leadership, ; Gilkes, b. Some of them were recognized as church mothers and gained power that they used to support and guide the direction of the church.

Yet, these women were not ordained and doctoral dissertation not have the accorded legitimate power. I conducted a phenomenological study to answer doctoral dissertation on leadership research question:

Doctoral dissertation on leadership

2042 | 2043 | 2044 | 2045 | 2046

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