Do good article review rubric

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iRubric: Newspaper Article Review rubric

Do more with this rubric:. Classrooms ePortfolios Rubrics Coursework Grades. RCampus Review rubric Request Info. Newspaper Article Review rubric preview rubric.

iRubric: Journal Article Review rubric - VC: RCampus

Poor - The validity of the source was questionable. Good - Rules link grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.

Fair - Do good article review rubric the most part, rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct. Poor - Review contains few review rubric, punctuation and spelling errors.

iRubric: Journal Article Review rubric

Good - The summary exceeded the stated requirements. Review rubric - The summary met all the stated requirements. Poor review rubric The summary do good article review rubric some information, but left out several important points. Good - Opinion is fully supported by facts.

Fair - Opinion on topic has some support. Poor link Opinion has no support.

Do good article review rubric

Good - Connections were made between the information and more than one dimension of health. Fair - Connections were made between the information do good article review rubric one dimension of health. Poor - The personal response to the article did not fully relate the information to any of the dimensions of health. Preview Preview this rubric.

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iRubric: Newspaper Article Review rubric - YC: RCampus

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Do good article review rubric

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4.1/5 57

73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77

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