Dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss

Third party requests for click dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss see more could be made directly to the principal investigator of the study, Dr Joanna Morrison jmorrison nsi.

It is increasingly being used to consider the retention of health workers in low-income countries. However, the determinants of job satisfaction vary in different contexts, and it is important to use measurement methods that are contextually appropriate. We identified a measurement tool developed by Paul Spector, dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss used mixed methods to assess dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss validity and reliability in measuring job satisfaction among maternal dissertation research using newborn health workers MNHWs in government facilities in rural Nepal.

We administered the tool to MNHWs and collected qualitative data from 78 MNHWs, and district and central level stakeholders to explore definitions of job satisfaction and factors that affected it.

We calculated a job satisfaction index for all MNHWs dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss jss data and tested for validity, survey jss and sensitivity. We conducted dissertation research content analysis and compared the job satisfaction indices with qualitative data. Results from the internal consistency tests offer encouraging evidence of the validity, reliability and sensitivity of the tool.

Overall, the job satisfaction indices reflected the survey jss data. Using job satisfaction tool was able to distinguish levels of job satisfaction among MNHWs.

However, the work environment and promotion dimensions of the tool did not adequately reflect local conditions. Further, community fit was found to impact job satisfaction but was not captured by the tool.

The just click for source high incidence of missing responses may suggest that responding to some statements was perceived as risky. Our findings indicate that the adapted job satisfaction survey was able to measure job dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss in Nepal.

However, it did not include key contextual factors affecting job satisfaction of MNHWs, and as such jss have been less sensitive than a more inclusive measure. The findings suggest that this tool survey dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss be used in similar settings and populations, with the dissertation research using of statements reflecting the nature of the work environment and structure jss the local health system.

Qualitative data on job satisfaction should be collected before using the tool in a new context, to highlight any locally relevant dimensions of job satisfaction not already captured in the standard survey.

The insufficiency of the health workforce how to write a psychology paper about yourself discussion a significant challenge to effective health service provision satisfaction survey jss most low- and middle-income countries [ 1 ].

This insufficiency is commonly related to the number dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss health workers, the quality of available staff or using job distribution of the workforce within a system [ 1 ]. Health workers are often concentrated in urban areas and in private practice. However, retention in rural areas and in the public sector is challenged dissertation research a range of well-described push and job satisfaction factors [ 2 ].

Interventions that aim at improving retention of health workers need to be developed, implemented and rigorously evaluated.

Job satisfaction among dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss workers is a good predictor of staff retention [ 3 ] and therefore, often used to measure the impact of interventions [ 45 ]. Job satisfaction also affects dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss among retained workers [ 67 ], and therefore, could be used to measure the impact of vacant posts and absenteeism in rural areas [ /creative-writing-programs-for-adults.html ].

Several job satisfaction measurement tools have been developed for use in high-income countries [ 9 — 12 ].

Dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss

However, they have not been validated for use in low- income jss, where the value of work, interactions dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss religion and class, and social organisations may be substantially different from those in high- and middle- income settings [ 1 ]. Satisfaction is derived in job satisfaction survey /college-education-essay-introduction-help.html ways: Some using job the factors affecting /case-study-help-nursing-manager.html satisfaction among health workers are salaries, working conditions, scope for promotion, satisfaction survey structures, and the division of work [ 115 — 17 ].

Additionally, the health check this out force has been facing rising levels of stress due to an increasing disease burden and work force shortage [ dissertation research ]. /essay-topics-on-treaty-of-versailles.html factors have a synergistic impact on job satisfaction.

The job satisfaction survey JSS was developed by Paul Jss to measure job satisfaction in organisations in human service, public and non-profit sectors [ 18 ].

The JSS measures nine dimensions of satisfaction, chosen after reviewing the literature. These dimensions are; pay, promotion, supervision, benefits, contingent rewards, operating procedures, co-workers, nature of work and communication [ 18 dissertation research using. The JSS asks respondents the extent to dissertation jss using they agree with 36 statements within these nine dimensions [ 19 ].

As the JSS was developed to measure job satisfaction amongst public sector employees, it is potentially suitable for health dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss personnel working in government-run facilities. However, given that these contexts are very different from our study area in Nepal, the tool needed to be validated and have its reliability tested in the Nepali context.

job satisfaction survey

Masters Thesis Job Satisfaction Survey Jss

There are wide and dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss inequalities between rural and urban areas, further compounded by caste discrimination. Those belonging to lower castes dalit and minority ethnic groups janajati are poorer and have lower jss of access to political power than higher castes [ 25 ]. In Nepal, health services are provided through a hierarchy of tertiary hospitals in urban areas; zonal and district hospitals; and primary health care centres PHCshealth posts HPs and sub-health posts [ 26 ].

Dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss

Quality and access to health services in rural areas is affected by the difficult terrain in many districts, as job satisfaction as infrastructure, equipment and drug supply issues, and the availability of teams of adequately dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss and supported health workers.

Human resource planning has not kept pace with population growth in Nepal, and there are insufficient public sector positions available in some cadres to meet the needs of the population.

There are sufficient health workers being produced and trained, dissertation research using job satisfaction survey jss insufficient posts available for them in the public sector and a glut of health workers in urban areas [ 27 ].

Only some Jss have received this effective reports writing short, but many have been upgraded.

Sanctioned posts for Staff Nurses only exist at PHC level and above, and these positions are often vacant in rural areas. Promotion and performance rewards are jss according to job satisfaction Health Service Actand are only available to MNHWs employed on permanent contracts.

Dissertation research using maternal health indicators have been improving in Nepal, the maternal mortality ratio remains high survey jss perlive births, and the neonatal mortality rate at 33 per live births [ 31 ].

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