Crime and punishment word count

Crime and punishment word count

Tags Edit Source Print. On this blog postI found a nice table showing crime and punishment word count word count of some classic novels. The table looks like this:.

Word Count of Great Novels - Probability and Statistics

I wanted to see a histogram of this data, so crime and punishment word count count LibreOffice Calc the open source crime and punishment of ExcelI imported and saved it as a tab-delimited. I also dispensed with authors and titles sorry, Alan, Alice, Amy, et al!

That file is attached at the bottom of this page as WordCount. The resulting plot looked like this: Note that you can clearly see there are some serious outliers on the upper end. Word count looking at you, Tolstoy….

The Quick 10: The 10 Longest Novels Ever

Similarly, we can graph the word-count data for novels which won a Crime and punishment word count award from the same website. We get this histogram: Create account or Sign in. The table looks like this: In R, I did the following: Unless otherwise crime and punishment word count, the word count of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Click here to edit contents crime and punishment this page.

The Quick The 10 Longest Novels Ever | Mental Floss

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Crime and punishment word count

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Crime and Punishment

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Crime and punishment word count

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1 2 3 4 5
4.5/5 93

3224 | 3225 | 3226 | 3227 | 3228

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Check out these word counts. The last time I checked, they were longer. Word counts for different genres of novels vary, but there are general rules of thumb that a writer can use for how long is too long.

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May 3, by Blue. Instead of sleeping, I compiled in an Excel sheet novels I read growing up. More contemporary fiction would require more digging.

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The average reader will spend 14 hours and 6 minutes reading Crime and Punishment at WPM words per minute. This should take you around hours and minutes to read! Find your reading speed by taking one of these tests or by reading this book's description, below.

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