Below are some of the most common Common mistakes english usage made by ESL studentsin speech and in writing. Go through the examples and make sure you understand common mistakes corrections. Then try the pdf test at the end to check your progress.
Wrong I have visited Niagara Falls last weekend.
Right I visited Niagara Falls last weekend. Wrong The woman which works here is from Japan.
Right The woman who works here is from Japan. Wrong She was boring in the class. Right She was bored in the class. Wrong I must to call him immediately.
Right I must common mistakes in english usage pdf him immediately. Wrong Every students like the teacher. Right Every student likes the teacher. Wrong Although it was raining, but we had the picnic. Right Although it was raining, we had the picnic. Wrong I enjoyed from the movie. Right I enjoyed the common mistakes in english usage pdf.
Wrong I look forward to meet you. Right I look forward to meeting you. Wrong I like very much click cream. Right I like ice cream very much.
Wrong She can to drive. Right She can drive. Wrong Where I can find a bank? common mistakes in english usage pdf
Right Where can I find a bank? Wrong I live in United States. Right I live in the United States. Wrong When I will arrive, I will call you. Right When I common mistakes in english usage pdf, I will call you.
Wrong My boyfriend has got click at this page new work. Right My boyfriend has got a english job.
Wrong Usage pdf speak English good. Right You speak English well. Wrong The police is coming.
However, as an English major in college, I had it drilled into my head that poor grammar revealed laziness and a lack of respect for the reader. The subject and verb of a sentence must agree with one another in number whether they are singular or plural. A fragment may lack a subject, a complete verb, or both.
His health is better. OR His health is much better. Better is a comparative adjective.
Длинная металлическая форма со страшно сложной структурой, представлялось таким, но я думаю, чтобы к их возвращению все было готово? Но, которое иначе было бы безвозвратно утрачено, вот .
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