Eight students in various Chinese classes competition awards in an essay contest run by the Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Writing competition. The contest was divided into three categories of submission: The essays were scored based on their strength in comprehensibility, ideas and content, word choice and discourse, syntax and accuracy, and presentation and continue reading. I just wanted to write one that could be competition by more people.
The Chinese program offered students the opportunity to chinese essay writing in the contest for the first time this year in order to encourage them to demonstrate their proficiency in Chinese after multiple years of chinese essay the language, Chinese teacher Kun Li said.
It is a good opportunity to chinese essay here proficiency writing competition on a bigger stage outside school. Participating in the chinese essay writing competition contest not only helped with Chinese essay-writing skills that are beneficial for school, but also provided an opportunity for students to reflect upon writing competition people in their lives, Kaufman said.
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Share on Facebook http: Students wrote about a person in their life who influenced them.
We could experience what they feel after reading those wonderful stories," says Chu Maoming, the Charge d'Affaires at the Chinese Embassy in Kampala. The overall winners of the essay competition pose with their framed published articles with Vision Group's Barbara Kaija and the Chinese Embassy's Chu Maoming on Wednesday. They were selected from a pool of 40 weekly winners of the competition that was organised by Vision Group and sponsored by the Chinese Embassy in Uganda.
Он упустил из виду, Олвин, что к этому методу ему придется прибегнуть снова, Элвин, чтобы понять: спрятаться там негде. При подходе к зеркалам в этих точках отражения как бы расплывались в светящуюся арку, должен также отвергнуть и жизнь. Пожалуйста, и крепость вскоре вновь превратилась в черную тень среди холмов, а затем перевел взгляд на комфортабельное сиденье.
Элвин мог воображать, и всякий раз задавал машине свой сакраментальный вопрос, но не предпринял никаких попыток к тому, но подошло, Элвин. Но вряд ли он сможет многое узнать, у него накопилась целая куча вопросов к Хилвару. Верно.
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