The Journal is the psychological, peer-reviewed, academic international journal that examines the intersection of Psychology. The Journal is an international electronic and printed journal published in quarterly.
All peer-reviewed articles must meet rigorous standards and can /essay-classification-sport.html a broad range of substantive topics, theoretical orientations, and empirical methods. The journal welcomes submissions that explore the Psychological aspects of human behavior.
International Journal of Indian Call for papers in psychology in india a broad-based open access was founded on two key tenets: To free publish the most exciting researches with respect to the subjects of our functional Journal.
Secondly, to call for papers in psychology in india a rapid turn-around time possible for reviewing call for papers in psychology in india publishing, and to disseminate the articles freely for teaching and reference purposes.
The establishment of this Journal, International Journal of Indian Psychology is an answer to the wishes and desires of many researchers and teachers in developing nations who lack call for papers in psychology in india access to quality materials online.
This Journal opts to bring panacea to this problem and to encourage research development. The journal's aims at establishing a publishing house call for papers in psychology /what-to-write-an-informative-essay-about.html india is open to all.
It aims to disseminate knowledge; provide a learned reference in the field; and establish channels of communication between academic and research experts, policymakers and executives in call for papers in psychology in india industry, commerce and investment institutions.
Read more interested psychology submitting an article for publication in The Journal should complete the Submission Form in the Submit Article section.
For a detailed description of submission see our Submission Source in the Author India section. Listing in Universities Catalogs Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology.
Forensic Psychology and Psychology with Law. Human development and family study.
This is an endeavour for the development, representation and advancement of different areas of psychology as a science. Many national or international associations are functioning in psychology but the new association in the present scenario is an effort to introduce scientific platform of professionalism in psychology.
The International Journal of Psychology and Counseling IJPC is an international journal covering wide spectrum of research areas in the field of psychology. IJPC aims to strengthen the dialog within psychology around the world and to facilitate communication among different areas of psychology and among psychologists from different cultural backgrounds. IJPC is the outlet for empirical basic and applied studies and for reviews that either a incorporate perspectives from different areas or domains within psychology or across different disciplines, b test the culture-dependent validity of psychological theories, or c integrate literature from different regions in the world.
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