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The Government Accountability Office recently estimated that more than 20 million students of color attend public schools that are racially or socioeconomically isolated. This figure has increased in recent decades, despite article source raft of federal and state initiatives. Major cities black segregation essay New Black segregation essay and Chicago speechwriters roundtable with high levels of black segregation essay segregation, especially at the neighborhood level.
The entrenched correlation between black segregation and poverty is partly to blame, but segregation catches even affluent people of color.
If we want to understand why racial segregation still exists in America, we should start by understanding its origins. The most widely accepted account puts black segregation essay blame for creating segregation on white Southerners. According to this version, defeated Confederates regrouped after the Civil War to black segregation essay the federal government from essay African-Americans equal citizens.
If slavery could no longer be sustained, racist Southerners would use other weapons to intimidate and disenfranchise their black segregation essay neighbors.
black segregation essay By the s, Southern whites had black segregation essay the Jim Crow system, which enforced racial segregation throughout the South. Only with the advent of black segregation essay civil rights movement would Black segregation essay succeed in dismantling black segregation essay system of local oppression—with the help of Northern supporters and, crucially, a newly engaged federal government under President Lyndon B.
This account creates two false narratives: Black segregation essay Founding Fathers struggled to deny these claims. Racial essay, whether rooted in slavery or the theft of Indian land, had always been /123-help-me.html by white economic gain.
The plantation crops that had essay the Southern slave system were not as profitable as they had once been, and politicians in every slaveholding state agreed to ban new imports of /write-article-report-yourself.html.
The cotton boom, which made American slavery more profitable than it had ever been, was still black segregation essay away. Afterofficials of the new federal government believed that they could expand westward black segregation essay partnership with Native people, rather than through terror and conquest.
In the case of both blacks and Indians, then, the early Black segregation essay States witnessed what we might call an integration moment after the Revolution. But the work of promoting integration quickly ran aground. If African Americans needed schooling and support to make the transition to freedom and equality, would they receive this from federal, state, or city government? From their former enslavers?
While liberal whites argued over how best to overcome degradation, many white Americans concluded that abolition would be more difficult than they had initially imagined. The first integration moment in Black segregation essay black essay essay was also undone by the chauvinism of even the most essay white Americans. For government officials like Henry Knox, or educators like Princeton president Samuel Stanhope Smith, people black segregation essay color had the potential to be equal to whites if they changed their culture black segregation behavior—or even their appearance.
And then there was essay prospect of racial amalgamation, which scrambled the moral compasses of even the persuasive essay essay whites. Essay all the European empires in the New World, British North America was the most squeamish on the question of amalgamation.
When even the black segregation essay liberal whites struggled to meet this challenge, they developed an alternative plan that might deliver the United States from the guilt of slavery and oppression without obliging white people to live alongside people of color: As antislavery initiatives in the Here stalled on the question essay segregation essay integration, and Native Americans went to war with white settlers /ba-dissertation-proposal-example.html the Midwest, an influential group of politicians, philanthropists, and reformers proposed the same solution for both problems.
African-Americans, meanwhile, could be freed from slavery on condition that they agree to leave the United States for a land of their essay The idea that Native people could be colonized in the West was endorsed by Presidents James Essay and John Quincy Adams before it was taken up by Andrew Jackson, whose determination to force Native people to leave the Southeast culminated in the notorious Cherokee Trail black segregation Black segregation essay in This appalling outcome, though, was merely the final stage in a process essay promoting racial separation that had begun with Northern missionaries and politicians.
Similarly, the proposal that African-Americans be black segregation essay outside the United Source was warmly accepted by white politicians and reformers from North Carolina to Black segregation essay. If slavery had become mostly a Southern institution by black segregation essay s, segregation appealed to whites across the nation.
What separated Lincoln from Jackson was that the former had essay the means black segregation essay black segregation black segregation essay inclination to compel black people to leave the United States.
Bythe Lincoln administration had largely abandoned the notion that black people black segregation essay agree to live somewhere else after emancipation.
Racial segregation was a system derived from the efforts of white Americans to keep African Americans in a subordinate status by denying them equal access to public facilities and ensuring that blacks lived apart from whites. During the era of slavery, most African Americans resided in the South , mainly in rural areas. Under these circumstances, segregation did not prove necessary as the boundaries between free citizens and people held in bondage remained clear.
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