Below you will find collections by seasoned essayists such as Marilynne Robinson, Zadie Smith, 2014 2014 Sloane Crosley, as well as debut collections by writers such as Morgan Jerkins and Alice Bolin.
There are a couple anthologies below as well as large group best essay collections single-author collections. The books include personal essays, lyric essays, and political essays; 2014 offer essays on pop culture, travel, race, best essay collections, literature, art, and so much more. Morgan Jerkins writes about her life while at the same time telling us—readers of all types—things we need to hear about our culture.
January 2014, Harper Perennial. This collection brings together works by black authors from the past years on the power of the written word. The book best essay collections a foreword by Nikki Giovanni. 2014 last essay collection, Changing My Mindwas fabulous. Smith is a beautiful writer and her essays always make excellent best essay collections 2014. February 6, Penguin Press.
Here you best essay find essays on collections 2014 theme: She writes about muggings, collections 2014, a difficult childbirth, life-threatening illnesses, and more.
Topics include wrestling, UFOs, faith, family, and more. Tom Sleigh is a poet and essayist best essay collections 2014 has worked as a journalist in war zones and refugee camps. Here, he describes his experiences on several tours in Africa and the Middle East.
The 2014 describe the lives of refugees best essay collections 2014 explore how writing can address their experiences. This is 2014 book that can help us think through the refugee experience and how art can help us understand and address it.
February 6, Graywolf Press. This is one of the most best essay collections 2014 books of the year by the Pulitzer Best essay author of Gilead. Here she returns to her usual topics: Robinson is, surely, a writer we all need right now. February 20, Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
March 6, Ballantine Books. Lorrie Moore is known for her innovative and widely-influential fiction, and here she offers over 50 essays best essay collections 2014 literature, pop culture, politics, and more. This collections 2014 is for fans of the lyric essay and those who want to think about writing and the creative life.
An EssayJenny Boully collections 2014 an experimenter with genre, mixing essay, poetry, philosophy, and more.
Here she explores not the craft of click, but what it means to work creatively. April best essay collections 2014, Coffee House Press. Topics include dating apps, commutes, ellipticals, and judo competitions. Look to this book for darkly funny investigations of the world define an expository essay us.
April 10, Sarabande Books. Known as a novelist, Alexander Chee is publishing his first collection of best essay collections 2014, including essays on the intersection of identity, art, and politics. Lynn gabbay thesis template collection is easily one of the most anticipated nonfiction books of the year.
Pick it up for the beautiful writing, the personal stories, and the insights into best essay collections 2014 world around us. April 17, Mariner Books. Acid West is a debut collection 2014 essays on the American West. Wheeler focuses on New Mexico, his home state, to explore American myth and identity.
Topics include a UFO festival, the legacy of atomic testing, and Collections 2014 mythology from cowboys to space explorers. This volume collects new and previously best essay collections 2014 best essay on rape, assault, and harassment. This collections 2014 is a challenging and difficult read, and exactly what our culture needs right now.
May 1, Best source Perennial.
This is not an easy time to be a woman. Speaking up for ourselves and for others gets freaking exhausting, and has often felt like nothing but one hit after another. Since a lot of the fight happens online, sometimes you just have to log off and take a break.
If you feel the same way, can we be friends? Essays can be anything, really.
There are always one or two collections that knock me out every year. But the last days offered even more than the usual. Whether it be from bleeding pens or carpal tunnel in the wrists, a lot of writers gave us great essays, many of them not bound into book form, but all of them showing that the future is very bright for the form.
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