Xbox the Electronic Arts stand argumentation directe efficace yeux the business hall at Gamescom, a couple of demo units were offering hands-on time ask jeeves games xbox Fifa 14 on Xbox One.
There was always a crowd around the ask jeeves games xbox every journalist I talked to had spent time there, either waiting impatiently, or playing a match. It looks beautiful and plays with a fluidity that, in snatched instances, makes it seem photo-realistic. But how much extra technology, time and effort ask jeeves games xbox the team been able to put into the next-generation versions of the latest Fifa title?
And what are the most obvious new features we can expect?
To find out, I cornered the game's executive producer, Dave Rutter, and asked about ask jeeves games xbox big changes and little extras. Here's what he had to say. At EA's Gamescom press conference, you talked about how you're source to increase the sense of ask jeeves games xbox and spectacle with ask jeeves next-gen console versions of Fifa.
Can you tell us more about that?
this web page First, it's about true human emotion, so we've done a ton this web page work on animation technology and animation variety; the way the players look and move. The second part of it is the behavioural aspect of the players — we've done a lot on ensuring they have human intelligence, predictive physics, so that they can avoid collisions, all that kind of stuff. And it is a scene: If you look at broadcast football footage, we've spent a ask jeeves games xbox of time with Sky to try and figure out how we can duplicate what TV is doing.
One ask jeeves games xbox games xbox producers spent days in the Sky studio, staying with them from xbox start, all the way through broadcast and then afterwards, to kind of think like a director does. So on the one hand you have Gareth Ask jeeves games xbox leaving Spurs and joining Real Madrid, so in the link to that transfer, the camera and commentary would focus more on Bale, on his position in the Games xbox squad and how it's in doubt.
Then imagine a future in which Spurs end up playing Real Madrid, so Bale ends up playing against his old club … it's like the old story of ask jeeves games Sol Campbell left Spurs to join the Gooners, we're trying to capture that drama in Fifa ask jeeves games. This is all from the data that we seed the game with.
If Lionel Messi is ask jeeves games xbox, he will be the focus, but if he misses a couple of chances, the commentary will take a very different stance. There's also the fact that the crowds are now fully-realised 3D and exhibiting behaviours appropriate to what's going on. You'll see the crowd going nuts when /methodology-dissertation-help-free.html goal ask jeeves games xbox been scored, but nothing from the supporters of here team that's just conceded.
There are also sideline characters: Is this all about adding to the atmosphere, or are there ramifications for the play?
In the past, if the ball games xbox out of play and ask ask jeeves games xbox had to get the players down xbox end of the pitch for a corner, the camera would cut xbox we'd teleport all the players to the correct spots then bring the camera back up. Ask jeeves games xbox everyone actually moves to where they need to be — we don't need to leave ask jeeves games xbox game; everything keeps running under AI.
If there are two balls on the pitch, say because one has gone out but bounced back in off the siding, a player will go across and kick it off. It's all just seamless. Is the player AI completely different for the next-gen consoles than it is for the current gen versions of the game? The actual footballing parts are mostly extensions, but a lot of the behavioural stuff is new, in games xbox what we call 'pro instincts', which I'd probably describe as the anti-collision system.
Players try to avoid each other and any collisions that might end in them getting hurt — they brace for impact or swim around other players. That's all driven by games xbox new physics system which is part of the player impact engine games xbox we ask jeeves do on current consoles. The heading AI is also totally new because we can't run ask jeeves games xbox players trying to head the same ball on current-gen machines.
So those big bundles you get in the box — we can now do those, which is really nice. It's a lot of those things you take for granted in real football that you probably haven't noticed are missing from our game — that is coming now.
So ask jeeves games xbox sounds like we're going to get a lot more xbox and ask jeeves games xbox in interactions on pitch click the following article.
I was trying to describe this to someone earlier when ask jeeves games xbox asked 'what's the best piece of advice you can give to someone when they're just starting to play the new versions of the game? You should use the shoot button to clear the ball, because now you'll get up and do a really good clearance header. And actually for the attacking team the new xbox system is ask jeeves games xbox xbox because you can actually power and direct it with the stick — you can actually aim the headers now.
And also Games xbox say, you should master the new shooting, which games xbox nice. The synergy of being able to run up and take a proper shot, games xbox volleys and everything like that … it makes shooting extremely rewarding. Are there any differences in the shooting systems between current and next-gen machines?
It's a shared technology, but a big part of the next-gen ask jeeves is the variety of animation. Shots will games xbox a lot nicer. But games xbox system is games xbox same. So what do you think is the biggest change in the feel of ask jeeves between the two generations? The resolution of the graphics is a lot better, but we're able to stay at 60 frames-per-second. It's super smooth and responsive.
The things that make you read article up and take notice are what I call the future physics, it's the pro instincts stuff, so the games xbox avoiding each other … in previous Fifa's you had a player impact engine which gave you my catchphrase:
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