This novel, told from the point of view of Paul Baumer, a This web page soldier on the Western front during WWI explores the grim reality soldiers faced on a daily basis and demonstrates the tremendous toll the war took on the mental and physical conditions of soldiers fighting on both sides of the war.
All Quiet on the Western Front is an invaluable source for the historical all quiet on the western front book review essay as it allows the reader access to a perspective on the war which previously could not be experienced. The historical realities at work in the novel demonstrated the extent to which soldiers fighting in the war did not fully understand how they had come to be the ones doing the fighting.
Indeed, a scene in the novel features the main all quiet on the western front book review essay, Paul Baumer, discussing with his comrades the various strategies which should rightfully be employed to solve international disputes: This preposterous image all quiet on the western front book review essay demonstrates an important element to the reality at the front which was the extent to which soldiers felt alienated by having to fight on such a mass-scale over the conflicts which had emerged on account of only go here few.
The realities portrayed demonstrated all quiet on the western front book review essay poorly prepared many soldiers were for the for essay title internet, especially the new recruits who had little training and how, in many cases, lives were lost due to the link of the tactical strategies applied by generals.
Another important feature of the war effort as demonstrated within the work was the extent to which WWI was a developing war. That is, on both a mental and technical level the war in was very different from the realities of the war which raged on in In the beginning his character is almost jovial, brazen and spritely in carrying-out his wartime duties. There is a sense that he and his comrades fancy themselves in a grand adventure which will lead them to victory.
His enjoyment of his hours off-service playing card games and drinking is another example as he refers to these times as: But as their experience wanes on it became increasingly difficult for Paul and his friends to find joy in these trivial pursuits as they did not balance out the atrocities all quiet on the western front book review essay were witnessing daily on the battlefield as is demonstrated through the powerful and graphic all quiet on the western front book review essay images portrayed through the text:.
But the mental changes taking place were not all quiet on the western front book review essay only developments witnessed throughout the war. In fact, the mental traumas experienced by soldiers speak strongly of a changing technical experience as well.
As technological advancements incorporated more effective guns, tanks and even aircraft into the war more substantial losses were faced on both sides of the front. As depicted above, the physical mutilation which took place during the war was /uchicago-dissertation-deadlines.html daily by soldiers who desperately tried to avoid the same fate. Experiencing and witnessing physical mutilation took an extreme toll on the mental faculties of the soldiers.
Furthermore, Remarque includes countless examples of shellshock and the various forms it took. In click here, All Quiet on the Western Front paints a very vivid picture of the realities of WWI and the nature of warfare experienced by the soldiers at the front. The fear and alienation soldiers felt on account of the carnages they were forced to witness and the progressive all quiet on the western front book review essay of warfare as new weapons technologies were introduced year after year, only lead them to cling to life in fear and made recuperation into civilian life after the war virtually impossible.
The all quiet on the western front book review essay of the war on all quiet on the western front book review essay at the front was undoubtedly life altering for the few who were lucky to survive, the consequences of which would be witnessed in civilian life for generations to come until the process repeated itself, arguably to a much worse extent in Sign in or all quiet on the western front book review essay up and post using a HubPages Network account.
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We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. All Quiet on the Western Front. While All Quiet on the Western Front may help us understand the effects of the Great War on Germany, it is as an account of trench warfare and a simple story of human endurance.
Think About the Concept of Enemies in War. The novel depicts the detachment between rhetoric about patriotism and honor and the real horror of trench warfare Julie Gilbert, The author constantly underlines that the soldiers do not fight for hypothetical believes of patriotic spirit; they fight to survive.
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