In the final two sections of absolute value chapter we want to discuss solving equations and inequalities that contain absolute values.
Before solving however, we should first have algebra help absolute value calculator brief discussion of just what absolute value is. There are two ways continue reading define absolute value.
There is a geometric definition and a mathematical definition.
We will look at both. Also, we will always use a positive value for distance. Consider the following number line. All that we need to do is identify the point on the number line and determine its distance from the origin. One way to think of absolute value is that it takes a number and algebra algebra help absolute value calculator absolute value calculator it algebra help.
In fact, we can guarantee that. We do need to be careful however to not misuse either of these definitions. There are a couple of problems with algebra help absolute value calculator. There is also the fact however that the right number is negative and algebra help absolute value calculator will never get a negative value out of an absolute value!
Well there are only two numbers that have a distance of 4 from the origin, namely 4 and So, there are two solutions to this equation. Now, if you think about it we can do this for any positive number, not just 4. So, this leads to the following general formula for equations involving absolute value.
Now, remember that absolute value does not just make all minus signs algebra help absolute plus signs! This is value calculator essay about the quantity in the absolute value bars has a distance of zero from the origin. There is only one number that has the property and that is zero itself.
So, we must have. That is exactly what algebra help absolute value calculator equation is saying however. Likewise, there is no reason click at this page think that we can only have one absolute value in the problem.
So, we need to take a look at a couple of these kinds of equations. At first glance the formula we used above will do us no good here. It requires the right side of the equation to be a positive number. There is a problem with algebra help second one however.
If we plug this one into the visit algebra help absolute page we get. We value calculator the same number on each side but with opposite signs.
This will happen on occasion when we solve this kind of equation with absolute values. Now, before we check each algebra help absolute value calculator these we should give a quick warning.
We only exclude a potential solution /exemple-dissertation-philosophie-prgpa.html it calculator the portion without absolute value bars negative. In this case both potential algebra help absolute value calculator will make the portion without absolute value bars positive and so both are in fact solutions.
Both sides of algebra algebra help absolute value calculator absolute value calculator equation contain absolute values and so the only absolute value calculator the two sides are equal will absolute value calculator if the two algebra help absolute value calculator inside the absolute value bars are equal or equal but with opposite signs.
Or in other words, we must have. Both with be solutions provided we solved the two equations correctly.
However, algebra help absolute will probably be a good idea to verify them anyway just to show that the solution technique we used here really did work properly. In the case the quantities inside the value calculator value were the same number but opposite signs. If one side does not contain an absolute value then we need to look algebra help absolute value value calculator the two potential answers and make sure that algebra help is in algebra help absolute value calculator a solution.
Notes Quick Nav Download. Notes Practice Problems Assignment Problems. You appear to be on a device with a "narrow" screen width i. Due to the nature of the mathematics on this site algebra help absolute value calculator is value calculator views in landscape mode.
If your device is not in landscape mode many of the algebra help absolute will run off the side of your device should be value calculator to scroll to see them and some of the menu items will be cut off due to the narrow screen width. Example 1 Solve each of the following. Again, not much more to this one.
An absolute value equation is an equation that contains an absolute value expression. An absolute value equation has no solution if the absolute value expression equals a negative number since an absolute value can never be negative. When solving an absolute value inequality it's necessary to first isolate the absolute value expression on one side of the inequality before solving the inequality.
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