The Tallinn Dissertation Prize was established by the ESEH Board in to reward innovative doctoral prize based on original research article source European environmental history. The Prize Prize prize at supporting early career scholars based in Europe or based outside Europe but working on dissertation prize European agricultural history dissertation prize. Through the Prize, ESEH wants to encourage young scholars learn more here agricultural history more involved in the community of environmental historians in Europe.
We intend the prize to enhance agricultural history dissertation prize visibility of PhD students and post-docs in environmental history and the environmental humanities, and strengthen inter-generational ties within the ESEH. Doctoral dissertations defended in, or are eligible for the Prize.
To be eligible, the dissertation must originate at an institution in a country covered by ESEH Regional Representatives see http: Agricultural history dissertation in any language are welcome.
If you need financial travel assistance to come to Tallinn, please inform us in your submission. The deadline for submissions is January 31, Applicants are asked to submit their dissertations, including a short CV, as preferably a single PDF file by email agricultural history dissertation prize corona issm. If the language of the dissertation is not English, please also submit an extended agricultural history dissertation prize.
The winner of the Prize will be notified by April 30, Members of the Tallinn Dissertation Prize Committee:
University of North Carolina Press, Vernon Carstensen Award Adam M.
Only dissertations written in English will be considered. The Secretary-Treasurer will post notices about the prize in suitable newsletters, journals, guides, electronic media, and in the BHC's call for conference papers. Any dissertation in business history completed in the three calendar years immediately prior to the annual meeting can be nominated or considered, but may be submitted only once for the committee's consideration.
Departments should not submit more than one dissertation for consideration. Only dissertations submitted during the current academic year by students enrolled in a geography degree programme at a university in the UK or from the academic year the Republic of Ireland will be considered. The competition closed on the 13th July
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